A Conversation for SEx - Science Explained

SEx: What liquid(s) are a good conductor of electricity?

Post 1

The Groob


I'm trying to make a simple invention and I need to know what liquids will conduct electricity. I need a liquid that will conduct electricity when there is half a medicine cup of the liquid (image: http://images.allegrocentral.com/43/26/Calibrated-Plastic-Medicine-Cup-1oz-176356-PRODUCT-MEDIUM_IMAGE.jpg ) and also, ideally, a full cup of liquid.

My knowledge of science is limited in this area, but here are - what I believe to be - my conditions:

1) The liquid can't be poisonous.
2) The liquid must not undergo chemical change when voltage is applied.
3) The voltage used must be battery-powered: between 1.5 and 9v.


SEx: What liquid(s) are a good conductor of electricity?

Post 2

Mu Beta

Point 2 is going to be your stumbling block, I fancy. All ionic solutions will conduct electricity, but in doing so they will necessarily undergo chemical change. You'd basically need a method of topping up every now and then.


SEx: What liquid(s) are a good conductor of electricity?

Post 3

The Groob

Perhaps it might help if I outline my idea:

I want it to be a cube. Each face of the cube has a lightbulb attached (or LED, not sure yet) of a different colour. When you change the cube's position so that (for example) the red bulb/LED is facing up, the red bulb comes on. When you change the cube's position so a different side is up, a different coloured bulb comes on etc.

How it would work:

(In the case of the red bulb) the electrodes (Not sure of terminology there, terminals, + and - wires, or whatever) for the red bulb's circuit are on the opposite face of the cube and inside the cube, so that when the liquid touches the electrodes they form a switch and the red bulb comes on.

(Further note: I have an alarm clock that has this very feature but I assume that this is done by electrical circuitry, which is not an option. It must be done by a liquid)

SEx: What liquid(s) are a good conductor of electricity?

Post 4

The Groob

Thanks for getting back, MB.

If, for argument's sake, I say that condition 2 could be dropped and I can replace the liquid on a daily basis, what would my options be then?

SEx: What liquid(s) are a good conductor of electricity?

Post 5

Mu Beta

Damn near anything. Salt solution would work just fine.

But I don't see the need for a liquid at all. All you need is a self righting gyro (such as is found in a ship's compass, and can be made for a couple of quid), which will connect the electrodes for you.

Using an ionic liquid as I suggested would not be good at all, because the aforementioned chemical changes would lead to build-up on your electrodes.


SEx: What liquid(s) are a good conductor of electricity?

Post 6


Easiest and cheapest? Salty water isn't bad. Certainly you could get enough through to light an LED.

SEx: What liquid(s) are a good conductor of electricity?

Post 7


Though if you stick with the second condition Mercury might work, though there are all the risks involved with working with mercury.

SEx: What liquid(s) are a good conductor of electricity?

Post 8

The Groob

Self-righting gyro I will look into.

Not sure what I've been doing wrong; I tried it with salt water (varied the amount of salt in tap water and also vinegar (only a thimbleful of vinegar with a 9volt battery and torch-bulb) but the bulb didn't come on.

SEx: What liquid(s) are a good conductor of electricity?

Post 9

Mu Beta

Well, that's another problem. Whatever liquid you use is going to have a much higher resistance than a length of wire. Plus, if it gets anywhere it shouldn't, it'll probably short-circuit your power source.


SEx: What liquid(s) are a good conductor of electricity?

Post 10

Gnomon - time to move on

You're much better doing it with Reed switches and faking it so that it looks as if the liquid is doing it. Liquids do not conduct electricity easily. You'll need electronic circuitry to amplify the tiny current that flows through them.

The only liquid that really conducts electricity at room temperature is mercury, because it is a metal, but it is toxic.

SEx: What liquid(s) are a good conductor of electricity?

Post 11

Taff Agent of kaos

smiley - bluelightpedsmiley - ant

its the vapour of murcury thats toxic

smiley - bat

SEx: What liquid(s) are a good conductor of electricity?

Post 12

Gnomon - time to move on

Oops, it's not Reed switches I mean, it is mercury tilt switches.

They in fact operate by the principle you describe, with a liquid (mercury) flowing around inside to make contact in certain orientations. But the mercury is all hidden away so that you can't see it and it is safe.

SEx: What liquid(s) are a good conductor of electricity?

Post 13

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Taff - you sure?

Mercury can contaminate food (like fish) and then be ingested and lead to poisoning. That's not vapour.

SEx: What liquid(s) are a good conductor of electricity?

Post 14


The vapour of elemental mercury is I'm sure what he meant.

In fact elemental mercury isn't really that poisonous at all. What *is* poisonous is mercury salts and they are *really* poisonous. What makes mercury vapour poisonous is that some of it gets oxidised, thereby forming salts and hey presto, nasty nasty stuff.

SEx: What liquid(s) are a good conductor of electricity?

Post 15

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.


smiley - ok

SEx: What liquid(s) are a good conductor of electricity?

Post 16

Taff Agent of kaos

thats why millners(hatters) went mad, they shined top hats with liquid mercury and the fumes eventually drove them bonkerssmiley - weird

smiley - bat

SEx: What liquid(s) are a good conductor of electricity?

Post 17

Deadangel - Still not dead, just!

Not actually bonkers. The twitchiness was caused by mercury poisoning, but it was a physical, rather than mental, result.

Having said that, there can be mental health effects from playing with Mercury too.

You can float a cast iron cannonball in it if you get enough though, which is really smiley - cool if you ever get to see it. smiley - winkeye

SEx: What liquid(s) are a good conductor of electricity?

Post 18

Menthol Penguin - Currently revising/editing my book

smiley - wowI'm going to see if that's on youtube.

SEx: What liquid(s) are a good conductor of electricity?

Post 19

Taff Agent of kaos




smiley - bat

SEx: What liquid(s) are a good conductor of electricity?

Post 20

turvy (Fetch me my trousers Geoffrey...)

You can also float lighthouse light and lens assemblies on Mercury...



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