This is the Message Centre for Malabarista - now with added pony

Plantation Worker?

Post 1

Malabarista - now with added pony

I've just been offered a full-time volunteer position with the National Trust in Northern Ireland.

I'd be helping restore an old Plantation house and the furniture in it, giving tours, and who knows what else.

Doesn't sound so bad. And it comes with accomodation, though it's unpaid.

He was quite emphatic that they *require* someone to sleep in the house, even, in case the alarm goes off. It's 2km from the nearest town, and 10km from what's described as the socioeconomic hub of County Londonderry, Magherafelt, with a population of about 8,300. They don't have a car for me to use.

The phrase "middle of nowhere" springs to mind.

He also failed to tell me that they've presumably been having trouble finding someone to play night watchman because it's also, according to the National Trust website, "home to Ireland's best-documented ghost"... smiley - ghost

So, er, opportunity of a lifetime?

Plantation Worker?

Post 2

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - somersault Absolutely. Gee, I wish I could do that. smiley - biggrin That's great!

Learn history and commune with an ancient, romantic landscape...and maybe meet a ghost.

I smiley - envy that ghost. I could never find one at my museum, claims were overstated.smiley - whistle

Middle of nowhere sometimes a very cool place to be...

Plantation Worker?

Post 3


You're going to babysit a smiley - ghost? Can you have friends over?

Plantation Worker?

Post 4

Milla, h2g2 Operations

Marathea? Oh, sorry misread the location there...

Make sure you have the option to leave on short notice if the smiley - ghost proves to be a nuisance?

smiley - towel

Plantation Worker?

Post 5

Milla, h2g2 Operations

MaGrathea of course.

Plantation Worker?

Post 6


smiley - bubbly It sounds like a possibility! At least you've got a firm offer at last.

But...Magherafelt - "socioeconomic hub of County Londonderry"? Ehhhhh...not quite. smiley - winkeye

It pretty much is in the "middle of nowhere" (I think I know the house you mean), but if that doesn't bother you, why not?

Plantation Worker?

Post 7


sounds really interesting but
if it is unpaid how do you feed and clothe yourself?
is it peaceful middle of nowhere or burnt out cars and vandalism middle of nowhere?
Does it have anywhere to store your sword and spear safely?

Opportunity of a lifetime? Not sure but it certainly sounds like the sort of experience that when you have moved on from it will give you plenty of stories - 'When I lived in a haunted house in Northern Ireland...'

Think how many pints this will be worth in the future smiley - winkeye

Plantation Worker?

Post 8


Will you be able to get internet access and offer guided tours and extra sensory deprivation to paying guests? Earn a few bob and buy an electric bike. The possibilities are limit...smiley - ok

Plantation Worker?

Post 9

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

I think it sounds wonderful, but I take it they haven't had any volunteers so far? Maybe you could ask for better conditions? Internet access and a small stipend for towards your keep don't sound too demanding. They'd still be getting a great deal in return! Don't sell yourself cheap!

and good luck!

How long is the position for?

Plantation Worker?

Post 10


"is it peaceful middle of nowhere or burnt out cars and vandalism middle of nowhere?"

It's a National Trust historic home - they aren't usually known for the burnt-out cars on the lawn. That's not to say the area doesn't have some vandalism - everywhere does, after all. But you've passed through Wuppertal reasonably unscathed, and it probably has any anti-social behaviour that that area has. With the possible exception of farmers putting things where they shouldn't, or tourists speaking so loudly they wake the flocks.

Plantation Worker?

Post 11


Personal safety aside, what will you do for food if it's unpaid, you're in the middle of nowhere and you have no transport?

Wou;d you be on your own or would there be a group of you?

smiley - fairy

Plantation Worker?

Post 12


"But you've passed through Wuppertal reasonably unscathed"
um, I haven't?

"It's a National Trust historic home"
Yeah, point taken, but some of their more remote properties are, obviously, not terribly well guarded (hence the need for night watchperson I guess) and do get known amoungst those who like to trash places. Admittedly not a common issue, but it does and has happened. Wouldn't want our Mal to end up somewhere that is a magnet for the local oiks!
Always worth asking smiley - smiley

Plantation Worker?

Post 13


smiley - laugh I meant Mal had.

But you're right; always worth asking!

Plantation Worker?

Post 14


Sounds like an interesting opportunity if you can work out the logistics of how to get around once you get there.

Are you inclined to take it or keep looking? How long is it for?

Plantation Worker?

Post 15

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

should we warn the smiley - ghost of your arrival?

smiley - pirate

Plantation Worker?

Post 16

Malabarista - now with added pony

See, the well-documented ghost might even be a good thing - if someone tries to break in, I throw a sheet over my head and go "wooooo" at them smiley - ghostsmiley - evilgrin

I'm still discussing things with them, and have to think it over. They do want me to start next month, but I'll see whether I could get a stipend and a company smiley - ponyout of them first smiley - winkeye

Plantation Worker?

Post 17

Malabarista - now with added pony

Oh, and he said they'd more or less be creating a new position tailored to me; apparently, the place is due for a major overhaul that they're starting now. (I sent them an unsolicited application, simply asking whether there were any full-time opportunities open.)

Plantation Worker?

Post 18

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

smiley - rofl a company smiley - pony? i love it smiley - ok

lease a smiley - pony?

rent a nag? smiley - biggrin

smiley - pirate

Plantation Worker?

Post 19

loonycat - run out of fizz

Sounds smiley - magic including the smiley - ghost if a little lonely at night smiley - erm

Great looking place. Do you think you'll be allowed to model the costumes? smiley - biggrin

Plantation Worker?

Post 20

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

It could be wonderful.

Or not.

I think it might suit you, though.

TRiG.smiley - smiley

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