A Conversation for Talking Point: Funniest Films

Kevin Smith

Post 1

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

You can leave Dogma and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back... neither of them even compare to Clerks and Mallrats.

The best scene from Clerks?
Randall: Which did you like better, Return of the Jedi or the Empire Strikes back?
Dante: Empire.
Randall: Blasphemy!
Dante: But Empire had the better ending! Luke gets his hand chopped off and finds out Darth Vader's his father, Hand gets captured by Boba Fett and frozen in carbonite. It ends on such a downer, and that's what life is: a series of down endings... all Jedi had was a bunch of Muppets.

Kevin Smith

Post 2

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

The second 'Hand' should of course read 'Han'.

Kevin Smith

Post 3


Have you seen the Stormtrooper version of that bit


good for a laugh. smiley - biggrin

Though i have to shamefully say i haven't seen Clerks, seen most of Kevin Smith's other stuff (favourite is Chasing Amy), but i haven't seen Clerks on DVD in the UK.

Kevin Smith

Post 4


I found Clerks funnier on the second viewing, the first time round I didn't really get it. I prefer Mallrats.

I love the way the films link up and refer to each other. There are so many "in" jokes I'm sure I've missed most of them!

I have to admit, though, of all Kevin Smith's films my favourite is Dogma - maybe cos I saw that first.

Deb smiley - towel

Kevin Smith

Post 5

The Nitpicker

I like both Clerks AND Dogma.

The hockey match is great and the trip to the funeral parlour in Clerks are always funny (don't know about a DVD but I have a video).

Maybe I like Dogma because I don't really have much truck with religion and I LOVE the casting of God (I won't give it away - if you haven't seen the movie don't try to find out, just wait so you get the full effect of the surprise!)

Kevin Smith

Post 6


Oh, brilliant casting! If I believed in God, that's what he/she would be like. Turning cartwheels on the grass.

Deb smiley - towel

Kevin Smith

Post 7

whirlwind, heat, and flash

I thought Dogma was really underrated.

Watching Mallrats again it wasn't as good as I remembered it, but still pretty hilarious. Clerks, of course is always good for a (really massive)laugh

Kevin Smith

Post 8

intelligent moose (the one true H2G2 Moose)

I think if Smith had exploded after making the New Jersey Trilogy he'd have been remembered as a film genius, as it stands, everything after Chasing Amy has been rather naff. But those first three films are classics.

"Hey, try not to suck any dick on the way through the parking lot!"

Kevin Smith

Post 9

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

"In a row?!"

Kevin Smith

Post 10


Dogma was my favourite of the bunch as well, though oddly because I DO have truck with religion. Smith had some profound things to say on the matter of faith in that movie, and some of the "theology" found in it is surprisingly orthodox!

Clerks is also fantastic, and I nearly wet my pants during some Chasing Amy scenes. Jay and Silent Bob Strile Back wasn't up to par though.smiley - sadface


Kevin Smith

Post 11

intelligent moose (the one true H2G2 Moose)

Maybe my own geekery spoiled Dogma, but all of the funny stuff in the film was stolen from the comic book "Preacher" - which I'm sure Smith knew being a comic geek himself

Kevin Smith

Post 12


I've just watched Jersey Girl, which I'd been led to believe was awful. But I loved it. Not classic Kevin Smith, admittedly, but an excellent film with old favourites popping up in cameo roles, like Jason Lee & Matt Damon.

Deb smiley - cheerup

Kevin Smith

Post 13

whirlwind, heat, and flash

The Preacher thing is there i guess, but I never really thought about it except that they were both religion-related. I didn't read Preacher until after I saw the movie though, so that's probably why.

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