A Conversation for Final Fantasy - the Computer Game Series

Computer based Consle games

Post 1


"The Final Fantasy (FF) canon is one of the best known computer-based role-playing game (RPG) franchises. The main games have premiered on four different consoles (not including re-releases on the WonderSwan Colour console), although other games linked to the series (such as Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles) exist on other systems"

Just to let the author know "consoles" games are considered separate from "PC" games, they are different formats, and thus it is oxymoronic to call a game a computer based Consol game.

Computer based Consle games

Post 2


He didn't! smiley - smiley

Computer based Consle games

Post 3

LQ - Just plain old LQ

Thanks for pointing that out - however, I can't now change it. If/when I do an update (with the release of Final Fantasy XII) I'll try to change that slightly.

I must say, though, that especially in the modern gaming industry, it seems a little unnecessary to distinguish between them, with the large number of games that exist both on PC and consoles (including Final Fantasy VII and VIII), and the similarities between the two: even things such as internet connectivity is no longer exclusive to PCs by any means.

Computer based Consle games

Post 4


Final Fantasy's 7 & 8 were some of the laziest examples of a console game being ported to PC there have been. Mouse support? Update the graphics? Rebuild the save system to suit a hard drive? Nah, just release it months later than the console version with no changes whatsoever. There are emulators that do more.

Still didn't stop FF7 from being great though. Sephiroth: glowing green eyes; black cape; maniacal laugh; huge sword - absolute classic.

Computer based Consle games

Post 5

SchrEck Inc.

Hi Dustin, LQ,

I don't think it's really necessary to change it - the term 'computer-based RPG' is there to distinguish PC or Console-based RPG's from non-computer (board) RPG's; think of Dungeons & Dragons and the like. And 'computer-based' is universal enough to cover both PC and consoles...

SchrEck Inc.

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