A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Who wants to live forever?

Post 21

Xanatic(phenomena phreak)

Bacon knew everything? I think he could have told us a few more things than he did then. But living i the ocean and stuff like that, could probably be accomplished by genetics. Though thereĀ“s not really any places on Earth where we could migrate to without hurting other life. The deserts seem to be the only good place, not much to loose there compared to the other places.

Who wants to live forever?

Post 22

a girl called Ben

Yeah, I expressed that badly. Given the amount of knowledge and learning available at any one time, Bacon was the last Brit to know it all. Though our great leader of course would disagree. (Shhh... politics!)

Who wants to live forever?

Post 23


This question is easy: I got older, and I hope I got wiser. Just as you said...

Who wants to live forever?

Post 24

a girl called Ben

Good on ya - has it been fun?

Living forever?

Post 25

Researcher Kitsune

Would I want to physically be on this earth, forever? No. Again, as people have said, I would not want to see all that I love die.

BUT, I think I'd want my name to live on close to forever. You know, sort of the the great composers. Mozart, Bach, Beethoven. They aren't living now, but they live on through their music. And the best parts of them live on, too. All of the little piddly details of their lives are left to the scholars who want to spend time learning about it, but to everyone else, only their music survives.

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