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PS2/PS4 game suggestions

Post 21



PS2/PS4 game suggestions

Post 22



Do you recommend buying or downloading? Being a bit new to this, I'm not sure if I'll be able to connect OK with my setup.

PS2/PS4 game suggestions

Post 23


I downloaded Journey. You don't need anything much in the way of a great connection - the best I ever get is about 5MBps, thanks to the fibre bypassing where I live. (Frustrating that people quarter of a mile away are getting in excess of 100...).

PS2/PS4 game suggestions

Post 24


Here is complete list of the best games you can get for the PS4 and PS4 Pro, presented in no particular order. https://docsbay.net/43-best-ps4-games-every-gamer-should-own

PS2/PS4 game suggestions

Post 25


That's useful, thanks. Trouble is most of these lists assume a proficiency that I don't yet have. Really frustrating when a games is described as taking x hours to finish & I've already spent most of that time still on first level!

PS2/PS4 game suggestions

Post 26


Stuck in the descent in journey cos my scarf isn't long enough to jump up to the arch....

PS2/PS4 game suggestions

Post 27


Journey isn't THAT long. If you're stuck because your scarf is too short... start again.

PS2/PS4 game suggestions

Post 28


Unsurprisingly, there has been a lot of game playing this year!

With a little help I have just finished Gorogoa - a beautiful & fascinating puzzle game. Took me quite a lot longer than stated game play time. I guess that could be regarded as good value for money!
Also enjoying working my way through 'Two brothers' & my latest purchase 'Horizon Zero Dawn'.
Others that are fun are 'De Blob', 'Thomas was alone' & 'Hohokum'. Finished '

Anyone else played these, any similar ones to recommend?

PS2/PS4 game suggestions

Post 29

Baron Grim

I'm eagerly awaiting my chance to purchase a PS5 whenever, if ever, they become available again. I like open-world RPGs. On my Switch I've played and replayed Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I've spent hundreds of hours playing Skyrim and Witcher 3. But I just can't find another good one on Switch. I just started Xenoblade Chronicles but I'm not thrilled with it. It's very Japanese in style so now I know what they mean by JRPG. It's very wonky with just way too complicated fighting methods based on building up and collecting techno-jargon "arts".

I figure there are plenty of PS4 games I'd like but I just can't justify buying a PS4 now. (Used ones are overpriced and notoriously filthy and often full of roaches and ants.)

This will be my first non-Nintendo console.

PS2/PS4 game suggestions

Post 30


At the w/e I made the mistake of buying a game that turned out to need a VR headset (which I don't have & don't intend to get). Thankfully a pretty cheap game!
I get a bit frustrated in the games where I know what to do, I just can't seem to manipulate the controls to achieve it. Great feeling of success when I do mange it. Also, the ones with sparse save points so you have to redo loads each time to get back to the same place.
I put everything on really easy story mode where possible. I like my fighting to be easy!

PS2/PS4 game suggestions

Post 31

Baron Grim

I'll definitely never get a VR rig. I couldn't use one anyway. My eyes don't point the same direction and one only opens if I lift its lid with my finger. No more Magic Eye 3D images either.

(Do they still make those? Have they made any this century?) smiley - senior

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