A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Gepgraphical Cluster Graph

Post 1


I want to chart the location of all our employees to find a central location - I think it's called a cluster graph or a cluster chart.

Anyone have any idea how to do that or where to go to find out more?

Thanks oh great & good hootooers smiley - cheers

Deb smiley - cheerup

Gepgraphical Cluster Graph

Post 2

Icy North

How many employees do you have?

I've found online tools which find the midpoint of a few points:


As you increase the number of employees, the exact midpoint won't really move much - you'll end up in Birmingham, or Kansas City or something.

But make sure they're all in the same territory. If I include my London and New York offices, we'll be meeting in the middle of the Atlantic.

Gepgraphical Cluster Graph

Post 3


Ooh, that looks really good. I just had a quick go and input 15 postcodes (I'm in the UK) and it didn't seem to want to limit me. I've bookmarked that - thanks!

Good ol' h2g2 smiley - biggrin

Deb smiley - cheerup

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