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How can I do this on my phone?

Post 1


I have been sent the BEST sound-bite as a .wav file in a text message. I would like to set it as the message notification on my phone. So far, I have been unsuccessful in figuring out how to do that.

I have a Samsung S6, not the Edge, not the plus.

If I tap and hold the file in the text message, it gives me the options (among others) to 'save' or to 'set as ringtone'.

If I select 'save', I can't find it in my phone, so I don't know if I would be able to add it to my tones.

If I select 'set as ringtone' it sets itself as my calling ringtone and shows up in my ringtone list. But it doesn't show up in my notifications tone list.

There isn't an option to 'save as notification' smiley - sadface

Does anyone have any ideas?


How can I do this on my phone?

Post 2

Gnomon - time to move on

I'd first of all plug the phone into a PC and save the file. Then using the PC, copy the file to where all the other sound files are stored.

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