A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Star Wars - I know it has been asked .....

Post 61

Mol - on the new tablet

I watched A New Hope for the first time about 10 years ago. That's when I found out that in fact I had seen it before - but as clips or bits that I'd happened to see when my brothers were watching it, not as a start-to-finish experience.

Those clips and bits amounted to the entire film, and I knew all the characters and the basic plot because it would be impossible to grow up with my brothers and not know. I remember being surprised when I watched it to find that I had already seen all of it, albeit never in the right order.

Possibly I was so blown away by this that I didn't pay proper attention to some aspects of the film. I remember storm troopers talking to each other. I remember a character putting on the armour and pretending to be one. But I don't remember a 'red shirt' equivalent storm trooper removing his helmet and being a person who went home for dinner with his family at the end of the day.

Cybermen was the wrong word, really I was thinking of robomen from the Dalek Invasion of Earth.


Star Wars - I know it has been asked .....

Post 62

Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly)

For Mr X ... I don't know if the link will work. Google for stormtrooper vs star trek


Star Wars - I know it has been asked .....

Post 63

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

When I got together with my family yesterday, I found that most of them had already seen the new Star Wars movie.

Star Wars - I know it has been asked .....

Post 64


*is curious*

Who's alive but should be dead...?

(got to my PS if it's spoilery)

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