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Can you tslak about rteaioing into a car if the car is unlocked?

Post 1

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

"Investigators say the suspects are breaking into unlocked cars during the early morning hours."

I always thought a car had to be unlocked in order for someone to break into it?

Can you tslak about rteaioing into a car if the car is unlocked?

Post 2

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Sorry, I thought the car had to be *locked* in order for a break-in to occur. The silliness of that many people leaving their cars unlocked overnight is also an issue, but I can't expect anyone to explain why they would be so negligent.

Can you tslak about rteaioing into a car if the car is unlocked?

Post 3


When I lived on Arran my car went a full three years without being locked. Upon travelling to the mainland I discovered the lock had seized through lack of use. Many communities still exist where we trust our neighbours and don't need to nail everything down.

Can you tslak about rteaioing into a car if the car is unlocked?

Post 4


Any unauthorised entry is breaking in, you don't break anything if you open a car with a scanner. The law has to classify things smiley - smiley

Can you tslak about rteaioing into a car if the car is unlocked?

Post 5

Gnomon - time to move on

If you just open a door and go in, I would have thought that was entering, not breaking and entering.

Can you tslak about rteaioing into a car if the car is unlocked?

Post 6


. break means ... to break any part, internal or external, or ... to open any thing that is used or intended to be used to close or to cover an internal or external opening."

Can you tslak about rteaioing into a car if the car is unlocked?

Post 7

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Bob's exactly right. The act of opening the car door in order to enter it illegally would be breaking and entering. The legal definition of breaking and entering is entering an enclosed residence or other property without prior authorization, even if only by opening a door or window without using force. If the person steals something while they're at it, they've also committed burglary. Otherwise it's usually just criminal trespass.

Can you tslak about rteaioing into a car if the car is unlocked?

Post 8

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant


Thanks for that. smiley - smiley

Can you tslak about rteaioing into a car if the car is unlocked?

Post 9


I have nothing to add to the conversation except...interesting subject line smiley - rofl I really thought this was going to be a thread started by 2legs smiley - biggrin

Deb smiley - cheerup

Can you tslak about rteaioing into a car if the car is unlocked?

Post 10

Icy North

{ There we all were, trying not to mention the subject line, and you have to blurt it out like that smiley - winkeye }

I was going to say I've enjoyed many a rteaio in my car, but tslaking's overrated, in my opinion.

Can you tslak about rteaioing into a car if the car is unlocked?

Post 11


smiley - rofl

Can you talk about breaiing into a car if the car is unlocked?

Post 12

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Senior moments: not only were my typos at classic highs, but I didn't notice them smiley - sadface.

But I brought amusement to the many who enjoy such gaffes, so my karma has not sunk to ridiculous lows as a result of this.....

Can you talk about breaiing into a car if the car is unlocked?

Post 13

Florida Sailor All is well with the world

I can see clearly nowsmiley - ok

F smiley - dolphin S

Can you talk about breaiing into a car if the car is unlocked?

Post 14


I wouldn't normally dream of commenting on someone's typos, Paul, but the memory of your comment to 2legs (post 9 here): http://h2g2.com/dna/h2g2/classic/FP19585?thread=8314211&post=110953716#p110953716 was still fresh in my memory and I'm afraid I just couldn't resist smiley - winkeye

Deb smiley - cheerup

Can you talk about breaiing into a car if the car is unlocked?

Post 15

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Sorry, Deb. smiley - blush I would happily offer to translate my own unintelligible stuff if any one needed me to. smiley - smiley

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