A Conversation for Ask h2g2
What is the Strangest Word to Type?
Sho - employed again! Posted Dec 21, 2012
there are different methods, the Army is strange to civvy typists. If you have a look at the middle row of letters on your keyboard, you can usually find some way or feeling the j and the f. The G and the H are "floating" keys and you can use either of your index fingers for them (civvy stylee)
It's because if you start at the A with your little finger of your left hand, your fingers naturally fall that way (not sure about the right because I use a German keyboard, the little figer of my right hand rests on the L which i suppose it would on a British keyboard too)
What is the Strangest Word to Type?
pedro Posted Dec 21, 2012
I dunno about the strangest, but the one I hate to type is 'requires', to the point where I've set it up on Office that 'req' is require, reqs is requiring and reqd is required.
And thinking about it, it's because the first part of the word uses only the left-hand fingers. As do the abbreviations.. Kinda doesn't help in a way..
What is the Strangest Word to Type?
Nosebagbadger {Ace} Posted Dec 21, 2012
" reqs is requiring"
how do you do requires? Or do you just add it on
I can never spell definitely - the amount of ways I misspell it is impressive (this time, as almost always, I had to get to it via spell check)
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What is the Strangest Word to Type?
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