A Conversation for Ask h2g2
Funny Kindle book pricing at Amazon.
Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2 Posted Nov 15, 2012
You really think you are something special don't you Hoovooloo?
You are definitely the Sheldon of hootoo though and come across as having absolutely no humour and no empathy.
Funny Kindle book pricing at Amazon.
Pastey Posted Nov 15, 2012
Guys/Gals, can we stick to the thread topic please?
I've been having another look at Kindles or equivalents, whereas I don't want to replace all the books I currently have, and I don't buy many new books, this thread has got me thinking about getting something as an ongoing thing for the future.
But are they going to come down in price before I've made the savings over buying the hardbacks/paperbacks I do buy? Or will I end up out of pocket?
I think that given there's so few books that are any cheaper, that I'm likely to buy, then it would purely be the convenience part of having one. But I don't find paperbacks inconvenient.
Funny Kindle book pricing at Amazon.
Z Posted Nov 15, 2012
I find the key point for me is space. We have a lot of books and we can't fit in a two bedroom house. This means we have to rent a three bedroom house, when I think of the extra rent we spend each year on book space that's really quite disturbing. If I continue buying books we'll need a four bedroom house. I'm a member of two book groups, so I have to buy two books a month which I probably wouldn't otherwise read. I do have a policy to buy on kindle if available, but in paper if not.
Though I have brought the new Hilary Mantel book in paper, because I've got the hardback of her first book and it would be nice to have the set. (They're amazing: go read them!)
Funny Kindle book pricing at Amazon.
Hoovooloo Posted Nov 15, 2012
"You are definitely the Sheldon of hootoo though and come across as having absolutely no humour "
Let me see if I've got this straight...
You're trying to be insulting... by comparing me to a fictional Nobel-candidate-level genius who is the most popular character on a comedy show. (You DO realise TBBT is a *comedy* show, right?)
You've not really got the hang of this, have you?
"the Sheldon of hootoo "? Really? I'm flattered. I really am.
Funny Kindle book pricing at Amazon.
clare Posted Nov 15, 2012
Okay, I could probably look this up somewhere but it is more fun to ask you all here:
Do you have libraries where you live?
Funny Kindle book pricing at Amazon.
Pastey Posted Nov 15, 2012
I do, but I've never actually been in it. Or rather, I've been in it but never borrowed anything from it because anything they had that I wanted to read, I had as well.
Funny Kindle book pricing at Amazon.
Sho - employed again! Posted Nov 15, 2012
do what I did, Pastey: receive a Kindle as a present (while you'Re still making up your mind if you really want one or not) and then every saving you make on the eBook is a saving because you didn't pay for the machine (works as well if you filch one... )
Or, do as I do, and don't buy any full priced books. My Kindle cost, I think, EUR 189. I have about 70 books on it, of which about 7 were totally free of charge. The others all cost between 0.99cents and 1.19 cents (and generally show a saving of EUR 4 or so over the regular eBook price). Using that calculation I've saved around EUR 252 in the 11 months I've had the beast (oh, subtract EUR 20 from that saving - I bought a steampunk sticker thing for it)
Funny Kindle book pricing at Amazon.
Hoovooloo Posted Nov 15, 2012
I have a library within a mile or two of where I live... but I've never been in it.
In fact I've not been in a library since I got my first "proper" job after university (2.5 years after university, but that's another story). As soon as I could afford to buy books AND food, I stopped going in them.
Funny Kindle book pricing at Amazon.
Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk Posted Nov 15, 2012
There are a couple of libraries around here but, like others, I've not used one since I could afford to buy books. Oh yes, and since I had a computer at home, which was the other service I used them for.
I sometimes think of the usefulness of a library to me, but I *like* owning books. When I was a child, books were often what I saved up my pocket money for, and it's left me with the attitude that owning a book is a wonderful thing, a special treat, even if I can now afford to buy books easily, and will go on to not read it more than once.
Having said all that, Manchester Central Library is a wonderful building which I continue to admire greatly, and I often try to bring visitors to Manchester there as a 'sight worth seeing'. Sadly, it's closed right now for renovation of some kind, but I hope it will be open again before too long.
Funny Kindle book pricing at Amazon.
clare Posted Nov 15, 2012
If you don't come, they will destroy it.
(I don't know what tocall it either, Hoo, but that is my try at it)
Funny Kindle book pricing at Amazon.
Rod Posted Nov 15, 2012
Two comments:
I'm following this thread because I do almost no reading nowayears, think I should do something about it and think perhaps a reader would do the trick.
The other thing:
Libraries. Have a look at this
I'm sure Bluebottle would appreciate a comment or two
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Funny Kindle book pricing at Amazon.
- 81: Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2 (Nov 15, 2012)
- 82: Pastey (Nov 15, 2012)
- 83: Z (Nov 15, 2012)
- 84: Hoovooloo (Nov 15, 2012)
- 85: clare (Nov 15, 2012)
- 86: Pastey (Nov 15, 2012)
- 87: Sho - employed again! (Nov 15, 2012)
- 88: Hoovooloo (Nov 15, 2012)
- 89: Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk (Nov 15, 2012)
- 90: clare (Nov 15, 2012)
- 91: Rod (Nov 15, 2012)
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