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So WHO says that you need to wear a tie?

Post 1

Pink Paisley

I bludding HATE ties. Many of my colleagues wear ties. They have no apparant function so far as I can see.

So WHO says that you need to wear a tie? Join my campaign for the abolishmentisation of ties.


So WHO says that you need to wear a tie?

Post 2

Mu Beta

I think the World Health Organisation has really overstepped its bounds this time...


So WHO says that you need to wear a tie?

Post 3

Icy North

I say so.

It marks you out as having a professional approach to your work.

Sadly, I'm a dying breed... smiley - sadface

So WHO says that you need to wear a tie?

Post 4


Sadly, you can't judge a book by its cover that way. Some of the most incompetent colleagues I have wear ties. Others don't, yet do a much more conscientious (and competent) job.

So WHO says that you need to wear a tie?

Post 5


It's the only bit of colour in my work clothes (I'm a lawyer). So I say yes as well.


So WHO says that you need to wear a tie?

Post 6

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I managed to avoid wearing ties at work for nearly four decades. I don't like the tightness around my throat. smiley - puff

Designer Geoffrey Beene said that men can get enough color in their apparel by choosing more colorful shirts.

I do have to wear bow ties when I wear a tuxedo, though. Happily, I don't need to do that very often.

Sadly, I'd like to introduce you to Happily. I'm sure you'll get along well once you really how complementary you are. smiley - smiley

So WHO says that you need to wear a tie?

Post 7

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

But, without a tie, where would you put your tie pin? smiley - ermsmiley - doh

So WHO says that you need to wear a tie?

Post 8


There's an answer to that, but I'm not going to give it. smiley - whistle

So WHO says that you need to wear a tie?

Post 9

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - applausesmiley - snork no .. need... I think I know... what you'd have said... smiley - biggrinsmiley - blush

They do help keep your neck warm... when its cold.. Well they probably help keep your neck warm when its hot too, but that isn't really a Positive thing smiley - erm

So WHO says that you need to wear a tie?

Post 10


Ties are the first line of defence against ... medallion man.

So WHO says that you need to wear a tie?

Post 11


No they aren't. Good taste is!

So WHO says that you need to wear a tie?

Post 12

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Good taste can't protect us from Medallian man! Even shrouding ourselves in a protective layer of good taste, its just not enough... Just when you think its safe, you get out of your car, walk across the carpark, wondering why there is no pedestrian paths provided, and then, turning left, onto the street, walking past an intimidating block of offices, he attacks, coming from nowhere, appearing as if through some mysical method of magically suddenly appearing as if from nowhere, and he's there. Just there. so menacing, so there, and no cloak of good taste can prevent the inevitable, the fatal and the fatalistic. You walk. Medallian man walks. the grass area to the side, no escape, pounding traffic, pounding by on the road, like a constant stream of pounding traffic pounding by on the road, no escape in that direct, and you can't turn, can't runa nd scream, in bleak office-land, no one can hear you scream. He looms, like a medallian man, looming, and you fear, for good reason, and then it is there, no escape, no flee from the terror, as medallian man draws near, the giant, oversized, shiney, incandescent, sparkly giant shiney medallian, right there, with nothing, nothing at all, not even a thin blue with silver stripes silk tie, to protect your vision from the terror and inevitable consequences of the vision, a vision so powerful as to be, really rather powerful smiley - zensmiley - yikes

So WHO says that you need to wear a tie?

Post 13


The scary thought is 21st Century Medallion Man may differ from his ancestors in that he may also have evolved nipple rings smiley - yikes

So WHO says that you need to wear a tie?

Post 14

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...


So WHO says that you need to wear a tie?

Post 15

Mol - on the new tablet

I will join the campaign. If people want to wear ties, that's fine. But if they don't want to, I don't see why they should be judged on that.

My husband sometimes wears a shirt and tie just so I can have the pleasure of removing them smiley - blush


So WHO says that you need to wear a tie?

Post 16

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - bigeyes Ooooo! ... like that*is it.. smiley - whistlesmiley - winkeyesmiley - angel

smiley - biggrinsmiley - snorksmiley - sorry

So WHO says that you need to wear a tie?

Post 17


I've got no objection to a tie, it's just the social pressure to wear one that's wrong; we shouldn't have to wrap an uncomfortable piece of cloth around our necks for the sake of convention. Of course, the same could be said of suits. Why is it important for certain professionals to wear items of clothing made from the exactly same material?

So WHO says that you need to wear a tie?

Post 18

turvy (Fetch me my trousers Geoffrey...)

The men in suits all wear the same clothes so that we cannot recognise them individually. This lets them get away with corporate murder, award themselves massive pay increases in Times of Austerity (when we are told that we all have to feel the pain together by the rich boys clubsmiley - yikes) and generally take the piss!

tsmiley - grr

PS at least Aviva shareholders have spoken.

So WHO says that you need to wear a tie?

Post 19

Malabarista - now with added pony

Architects. Architects say people have to wear ties, because it is the mark of the architect not to wear one. He cannot be different if everyone else is, too. smiley - silly

So WHO says that you need to wear a tie?

Post 20

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

If I could, I'd go into work every day in jeans and a hoodie. At least our office is "smart casual", so I can go without a tie, and with my top button undone.

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