A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What can I recycle besides...?

Post 41


smiley - snork The blue bin still to be emptied since installed has now been filled up with plastic bags of normal rubbish by the upstairs flat...The shark landlord won't get them their own one..they use mine..and I'm sick of arguing about it..and phoning up for another one which never comes.

Basically every few weeks a new lot of African immigrants move in upstairs..the whole thing is illegal subletting and overcrowding..but the HA don't care. Any way none of these people have the first clue about bins..let alone the concept of recycling. Filthy nappies can be put in the garden waste bin..well the lot a year ago with kids did that. But generally I try to say RECYCLING..and they look at me like I'm mad...I think they think its something to do with riding your bicycle in a funny way smiley - snork

But I'm not getting in another row. If they want to put stuff in any old bin..and the council doesn't care..and no-one cares about the illegal subletting and overcrowding..why should I care?

And judging by other blue bins in the street full to overflowing..everyone else has just treated them as normal dustbins?

Why am I living in this insane hell hole of a place? Oh it's not so bad.. smiley - laugh

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What can I recycle besides...?

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