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What actually is the BBC?
swl Posted Jan 22, 2011
Good luck with that Effers. I made a complaint to the police about the BBC a couple of years ago. After six months, the police said they could make no headway as they couldn't actually identify the person within the BBC who held responsibility.
Meanwhile, on the subject of the BBC, I just saw this from Peter Sissons - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1349506/Left-wing-bias-Its-written-BBCs-DNA-says-Peter-Sissons.html
What actually is the BBC?
Effers;England. Posted Jan 22, 2011
I'm not really so interested in anything about the BBC bias or whatever.
But having reading a lot of places tonight on h2g2 how upset people are by the utter car crash of the new h2g2...which BBC staff here described as 'Good news Everyone' we're being royally ed by the corporation.
No-one will take responsibility for this total shambles.
I had felt so optimistic about the new site.
I won't let BBC staff conn me like this again. They are probably all still out clubbing right now.
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What actually is the BBC?
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