A Conversation for Ask h2g2
what do blind people dream?
Bob Gone for good read the jornal Posted Sep 10, 2000
What we teach the kids all depends on the chiuld. not all of the children are blind and and yes the ons that are do have guide dogs.
The sort of things we teach the children range from maths, science, english, Brail (where apropreat) to roade safty, cooking, cleaning and other things they will need in life.
I used to have lots of nightmeas and I knoew the exact reason for it it wa because I was doing somthing that had to be done but was not exactly benafichal to those involved and I felt guilty about it. the night mers stopt as soon as I acepted my roal in the sceem of things and some times that is the only way.
what do blind people dream?
Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents. Posted Jun 18, 2002
This is so interesting... I had to revive this thread.
Does anyone have any other ideas now?
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what do blind people dream?
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