A Conversation for Ask h2g2

How many posts in a thread ...

Post 21


Taff Agent of Kaos.

Unless it's consensual...

How many posts in a thread ...

Post 22

Taff Agent of kaos


and you can still be yikesed!!!!! ask 2legs?????

smiley - bat

How many posts in a thread ...

Post 23

Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2

I should also add that I have become my mother with a tendency to nod off at a drogtxfrcfgggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat smiley - zzz

How many posts in a thread ...

Post 24

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

There used to be a thread called 'Where's that thread?' where folks could ask for help in locating an old conversation. (The 'search conversations' function never really worked very well.) For various reasons people might want to revive an old thread, perhaps to add something new.

It was a useful thread but now I can't find it. 'Where's that old "Where's that thread" thread?', I said to myself.

If I had found it I was going to ask if someone could help me find the original 'uses of 42' thread, an even older and fairly short thread where people posted occurrences of the magic number 42.

Since I have just found a new one, and will likely never find it again, I will have to paste it here until somebody finds the proper place for it.

It's from the story of Eloise and Abelard:

"...their correspondence addressed professional and theological subjects rather than romantic love. Several of their letters were later published in the book "Problemata Heloissae" (Heloise's Problems) in which she asks 42 questions of Abelard, and he replies to each of them."

smiley - lovesmiley - brokenheart

How many posts in a thread ...

Post 25

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

Where's That Thread ....


smiley - goodluck

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