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Can anyone help me with moving a website?

Post 21


Okay! I have the backup copy, including the data bases!

So now where do I UPLOAD it to?

I have only installed blogs in the past. And I had Simple Scripts install a forum for me recently. But this is a website with a store ... where does that go?


Can anyone help me with moving a website?

Post 22


Do I first install a content management system?



Can anyone help me with moving a website?

Post 23


Some more details are needed, such as:

1. What particular CMS are you planning on using?

2. Does it have a built-in store component, a plugin, or will you use a complete eCommerce-specific CMS, such as cmscart? -- http://www.cmscart.org/

3. Does the host provide an administrative interface to the database?
For example, phpmyadmin -- http://www.phpmyadmin.net/home_page/index.php


With many CMS, including eCommerce types, you first set up the database, populate it with your data, then install the CMS, linking it to the database. Most of the CMS installer scripts run checks to make sure everything is working, the server has the correct settings, and various files/folders have correct permissions etc., as you proceed.

Feel free to email me..

Can anyone help me with moving a website?

Post 24


I've installed Joomla.

But now I'm going cross-eyed and will probably email you, Tal.

Hey, maybe you could walk me through this on skype maƱana?


Can anyone help me with moving a website?

Post 25


skype on

smiley - smiley

Can anyone help me with moving a website?

Post 26


calling... smiley - smiley


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