A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Daft poster

Post 1


In the kitchen at work there is a poster on the wall it says ;
' If everyone in India and China used the same amount of energy per person as in western Europe we would need 2 extra planets! '
What this means is not entirely clear to me , are the extra planets for coal mining and oil drilling purposes ? and how could you measure such a thing ?
I find these posters allmost as irritating as the motavational ones . You know the type , a photo of waves crashing against a cliff under it written ' To discover new horizons you must first leave the shore ' or some such drivel .

Daft poster

Post 2


We have one of these on the wall at work:

For a while, there was quite a fad of looking at it when needing motivation.

Gif smiley - geek

Daft poster

Post 3


Well that´s a good reason to be searching for planets in other solar systems then, isn´t it?

Though yes it can be calculated, and is a valid point. We just need to make sure the chinese are happy riding bikes.

Daft poster

Post 4

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Or just make more useful electricity/energy.... 'make' probably not the right word... 'capture'.... or 'utalise' would perhaps be better... smiley - erm

Daft poster

Post 5


"If everyone in India and China used the same amount of energy per person as in western Europe we would need 2 extra planets!"

What if the two extra planets were full of western Europeans?

Daft poster

Post 6


I thought this thread was going to be about 2legs....

smiley - tongueout

smiley - run

Daft poster

Post 7


My favourite, though equally daft poster, stated:

"Smile at everyone today, it'll drive them all crazy"

Interestingly, it did. smiley - cool

Daft poster

Post 8

A Super Furry Animal

I prefer the demotivation posters form Despair: http://despair.com/ambition.html and their like

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Daft poster

Post 9

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

Ours has no picture (it's for mechanics, they are simple folk and if it's not an exploded line drawing or a wiring diagram or s then they dont read on...) it just says 'Attitudes are contagious. Is yours worth catching?'

Strangely, it's only the people with half decent attitudes that even bother spending enough time outside of their own tiny bubble to read it.

Daft poster

Post 10

Mol - on the new tablet

I have had a really rubbish week and I'm afraid the Tesco poster made me laugh a *lot*. Reminded me of the very similar Tesco value valentine card doing the rounds some 5 years ago.

I too enjoy the Despair posters.


Daft poster

Post 11

Baron Grim

You beat me to that site, ReddyFreddy. I love the Demotivators. It's become an overused meme on the interwebs lately with many copycats but the Despair, Inc. site is sublime. They get it just right.

I can't pick a favorite. http://despair.com/viewall.html

Daft poster

Post 12


Every time I see this subject line appear, I can't help thinking it's something about 2legs. smiley - winkeye

Daft poster

Post 13

Menthol Penguin - Currently revising/editing my book

ever since somebody mentioned 2legs me neither!smiley - laugh

Daft poster

Post 14


Is this the deja vu thread?

Daft poster

Post 15


Didn't somebody ask that a minute ago?

Daft poster

Post 16


Deja vu?


Gif smiley - geek

Daft poster

Post 17

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

That Tesco poster is the coolest thing I've ever seen. smiley - cool

P.S. The Demotivational posters are pretty cool too.

smiley - pirate

Daft poster

Post 18

Cheerful Dragon

And if none of those quite fits the bill, you can always make your own: http://diy.despair.com/motivator.php

Daft poster

Post 19

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

Some of them are great (and I also really like a few of the 4chan motivationals inspired by them) but the way I misread one of them was even funnier:

"When people are free to do as they please, they usually imitate each other."

I read 'imitate' as 'irritate'. "So true," I thought.

Daft poster

Post 20


But what does deja vu actually mean?

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