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I'm not really here Posted May 1, 2005
I just get a bit het up - we have to be so strict for the EG, that it would be nice to be a bit more relaxed on other places on site.
I don't think there are places in the UK that give that size portions as a general rule - but I've not been everywhere, obviously.
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BouncyBitInTheMiddle Posted May 1, 2005
Sadly I don't know of anywhere in the UK that does US sized portions . On the plus side the dollar is very weak so now might be the time to go for a visit
But...our pints are bigger than theirs .
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Researcher XXXXXX Posted May 1, 2005
us portions are too big anyway so thank god there is no where in the uk to get us size food
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Xanatic Posted May 1, 2005
Do they measure in pints anyway?
As I said, I doubt you could eat any food solely for a month and remain healthy. They say carrots are good for you. Well from what I know, living off just carrots for a few days and you die from caroten-poisoning. Does that mean we should stop people eating carrots? Everything is bad in large amounts, even drinking too much water can kill you.
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azahar Posted May 1, 2005
Well, presumably a McDonald's diet includes at least a mix of carbohydrates and protein - well, as well as loads of excess fat and sugar. So not quite the same as only eating carrots. Also, don't McDonalds burgers have tomato and lettuce on them?
Did the person in the documentary also eat the McDonalds salads? Milkshakes?
Thinking about it, a diet for one month of beef and/or chicken burgers, fried chicken nuggets, fried potatoes, milkshakes, eggs on crumpets, salads, etc shouldn't pose a terribly serious health problem to a relatively healthy person. Other than the extra fat, sugar and salt they would still be getting enough protein and carbs to get by on.
Which to me says that McDonalds food is so way-too-far over-processed that any food value has been totally destroyed. Except for maybe the burger buns.
This is strictly hear-say, but I was told once that all McDonalds vegetables (tomatoes, onions, lettuce) are received at the franchises dehydrated and then water is added to them.
About the only good thing I can say about McDonalds is that if you are ever looking for a clean public toilet, theirs are usually kept up to a reasonable standard.
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BouncyBitInTheMiddle Posted May 1, 2005
1 Imperial pint (UK) = 20 UK fluid ounces = 0.568261 litres.
1 pint (US, wet) = 16 US fluid ounces = 0.473176 litres.
1 pint (US, dry) = 0.550610 litres.
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Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate Posted May 1, 2005
I help produce some of the vegies for maccas. Here in Australia, the capsicums are diced, roasted, then snap frozen, and the mushrooms are sliced, roasted bagged, then steamed.
no dehydration involved
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Researcher XXXXXX Posted May 3, 2005
The only good thing , i will say about maccys is that they are cheap, so if you dont have a big food budget, its probably an ok treat now and again, in moderation plus i just got a 24 pound off book, of money off vouchers, for doing absolutley nothing so its not all bad.
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Xanatic Posted May 4, 2005
It used to be cheap. It seems really pricey now. If I need to get full, I need to eat several Big Macs. And for that price I could get a meal at a proper place.
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winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire Posted May 5, 2005
Well, I don't know about several, but I agree that one of these floppy things and the horrible skinny dry 'chips' that accompany it never even comes close to filling me, and i'm of fairly average build. I could probably manage 2-3 of their biggest burgers and accompanying rubbish.
As one of their 'meals' costs up to a fiver, and the main courses in many restaurants/cafe's (not in London of course) start at about £6, I agree that Macs and similar burger places seem like very poor value- not cheap at all.
All the families feeding their offspring this crap, don't seem to realise this. ( I strongly believe nobody below the age of about 10 should go anywhere near this kind of food- even as a 'treat'- they shouldn't be allowed to develop a taste for it when they are mentally and physically growing so fast).
They will often use "oh it's cheap, and we can't afford anything else" as a pathetic excuse for the fact that they have no skills in the kitchen and they are lazy, or don't allow enough time in the day for cooking.
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Researcher XXXXXX Posted May 5, 2005
In the north you can get a extra value meal for under £3 and cheeseburgers for less than a £1 if fact You can Feed a family for under a tenner easy!.
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- 41: I'm not really here (May 1, 2005)
- 42: BouncyBitInTheMiddle (May 1, 2005)
- 43: Researcher XXXXXX (May 1, 2005)
- 44: azahar (May 1, 2005)
- 45: Xanatic (May 1, 2005)
- 46: azahar (May 1, 2005)
- 47: BouncyBitInTheMiddle (May 1, 2005)
- 48: Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate (May 1, 2005)
- 49: Researcher XXXXXX (May 3, 2005)
- 50: Xanatic (May 4, 2005)
- 51: winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire (May 5, 2005)
- 52: Researcher XXXXXX (May 5, 2005)
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