A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Predictions for 2005

Post 161

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Post 29: Steve Brookstein, winner of X factor, will be Steve Who? by the end of the yearsmiley - ok

Predictions for 2005

Post 162

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - sorrydidn't mean to post before I finished

Classic movie is remade and butchered.
Have you *seen* Pride & Prejudice?

Paula Radcliffe shines and redeems her reputation.
She won a marathon in the US didn't she?

Victoria Beckham/Colleen Rooney realise they haven't been in the papers for a couple of days so wear something silly to make sure they are.
That would be that "Chocolate/Champagne/Alcohol" dress - I thought Champagne was alcoholic?

On H2G2:

"Definately" will be the top misspelling, closely followed by "teh".
That's the word I've seen most...smiley - tongueout

Predictions for 2005

Post 163

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I must admit I never expected the departures on h2g2 of CHawke; Master B; EV et al

smiley - sadface

Predictions for 2005

Post 164


>>I must admit I never expected the departures on h2g2 of CHawke; Master B; EV et al<<

That's what I thought when I first re-read this thread. It's quite depressing.

Late prediction: George Best will not see 2006, or possibly even December

Predictions for 2005

Post 165

The Groob

I think Master B will be back. I don't know about the others but MB haunted so many threads that I reckon his life is poorer without H2.

I wonder if George Best, if pressed, would say if he has any regrets.

Predictions for 2005

Post 166

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Well then surely the return of Master B is a late prediction for 2005 or if not then a prediction for 2006.

Predictions for 2005

Post 167

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

xmas will be outlawed for being politically incorrect and offending certain cultures... instead we will have 'the world day' instead of trees we will have world globes..could be a range of light up fibreoptic ones.

Predictions for 2005

Post 168

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Who was it in the backlog who said someone would smile on Eastenders?

The end of Monday's programme (didn't see last nights) Phil saw Juley & Ruby kissing, and he smiled, then laughed.

Although it was more of an smiley - evilgrin I thought of this threadsmiley - laugh

Predictions for 2005

Post 169


`>>xmas will be outlawed for being politically incorrect and offending certain cultures<<

They already did this in Birmingham a few years back. They called it 'Winterval' smiley - yuksmiley - laugh

Predictions for 2005

Post 170

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

That was me who said someone would smile in Eastenders

Predictions for 2005

Post 171

The Groob

Can we keep predictions realistic please. smiley - winkeye

Predictions for 2005

Post 172


So who had their money on me getting lucky this year? smiley - biggrin

Predictions for 2005

Post 173

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

George Bush will realise he's not God smiley - laugh

Predictions for 2005

Post 174

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

i'm sure he'll settle for the angel gabriel then smiley - laugh or more to the point...the angel of death....

Predictions for 2005

Post 175

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Congrats Reefgirl and Xanatic smiley - biggrin

Predictions for 2005

Post 176

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Cheers GB

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