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Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith

Post 41

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

Hoo: After seeing the second Matrix movie, my wife and I decided that Zion was indeed a second level of the Matrix used to control those few who would not believe the first level, with the Oracle and the Architect working together to keep that illusion in place. And Neo, as the first "one" to reject returning to the source, was on his way to being the first to wake up from the matrix completely... to a world very different from the robot-controlled one envisioned in the Zion level.

It would have been a brilliant mind-f**k, and the world in which Neo wakes up could be anything, giving a lot of creative room for the finale. Instead, the brothers Wachowski let their philosophy get the better of their story, and the ridiculous martyr plot was executed.

Matrix: Revolutions never happened. I anxiously await the finale to the trilogy.

Do you really think the Skywalkers were anything like the Dursleys? Luke seemed like a normal teenager with a lot of freedom, but was expected to do his part on the farm. I don't think Harry would be too distressed if the imperials destroyed the Dursleys.

Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith

Post 42


D'you mean the Lars's?

You're right, of course. The analogy can only stretch so far - very, very grudgingly we must be forced to admit that Rowling didn't completely rip her plot off entirely from Star Wars... smiley - winkeye

Re: the Matrix, Simon Pegg (Shaun of the Dead) told FHM that it took Lucas 20 years to ruin his movie franchise, the Wachowskis did it in three, "and you have to respect that". smiley - rofl


Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith

Post 43

Mu Beta

The Lars were Luke's auntie and uncle, in actual fact.

No, they weren't as nasty as the Dursleys, granted, but Tatooine is probably a nastier location than Surrey. smiley - winkeye


Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith

Post 44


on the Matrix front I agree with Blatherskite... I thought all that would happen after I saw the second one... haven't watched it or the third one since I saw the third... it was soooo bad it was unbelievable... I only watch the first now even though I have the second on dvd...

on the star wars front I really haven't liked George Lucas' material since he used medicloriants in Ep1 as it is just plain dumb... and would mean you couldn't feel inaminate objects through the force...

I prefer star wars novels anyways, even if GL says they don't count, thats just because he couldn't write themsmiley - winkeye

Anyways while I sleep you can all rip me apart

Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith

Post 45

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

i prefer star trek but i havent realy read the novels... i should...
fordsmiley - cheers

Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith

Post 46

Mu Beta

Funny, really. I have managed to participate in numerous 'I hate Star Wars' threads without admitting that I still think they are all really great films. It is generally accepted that the original trilogy is near-ineffable (anyone who says otherwise is just jealous). Consequently, the prequels had completely unreasonable expectations placed upon them. Who can blame them for not living up. Broadly, I think they are both respectable films, certainly better than anything else I've seen in the last five years.

The books are very much of a muchness. They're perfectly well written, but I still believe, in a slightly pathetic way, that the only tru Star Wars universe is in Lucas' mind, and that everything else is jumping on the bandwagon.


Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith

Post 47


I think the thing that is missing from the new films, is a relationship like the one between Han Solo and Leia. Their constant bickering gives so much energy to the original trilogy and there is nothing like it in the new films, the relationship between Anakin and Amidala is dead by comparison.

The sad thing is i'm probably looking forward more to the Star Wars computer game 'Knights of The Old Republic 2' than i am to the Episode 3 film.

Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith

Post 48

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

Ugh. We've seen enough rehashed elements in the new trilogy already. After watching Episode I rehash the battle on Endor and the first Death Star run simultaneously, I'd had enough of it. Only the fight between the two jedis and Darth Maul saved the movie.

Yes, Hoo, I did mean the Lars'. I thought they had the same name as Luke, since they were family. Auntie Em and Uncle Henry, wasn't it?

Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith

Post 49


I just think it is cool that Episode 1 used elements from Bjergkoebing Grand Prix, an old Norwegian puppet movie.

Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith

Post 50

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

>Yes, Hoo, I did mean the Lars'. I thought they had the same name as Luke, since they were family.

They'd only have the same name if the male was Anakin Skywalker's brother. If the female was his sister, they'd have different names.

smiley - ale

Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith

Post 51


I've found another parallel.. I suspect that Daniel Radcliffe will never get another major part.

Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith

Post 52

Mu Beta

smiley - biggrinsmiley - ok

I hope to hell that Rupert Grint doesn't go on to have a Harrison Ford-like career, though.


Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith

Post 53

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

Just to comment on Jar Jar Binx.

Binx wasn't actually George Lucus's idea. George Lucas was having a party one night and he had invited one of the Futurama writers (can't remember his name, although I would assume that this was before Futurama was even made). This guy suggested to Lucas the idea of Jar Jar and Lucas thought it was a good idea. The Futurama writer has since regreted the decision to tell Lucas his idea and doesn't like to talk abou it.

See, listening to audio commentaries can be usefull. smiley - smiley

Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith

Post 54


Why not? He appears to be the most talented actor of the three of them.

He's actually appeared in other films, one of which, coincidentally, is on the front page today.


Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith

Post 55

Mu Beta

Oh, please tell me you're joking. He's an annoying little twerp who seriously misunderstood the director's instruction of tongue-in-cheek.

How you can say he's a better actor than Emma Watson is beyond me.


Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith

Post 56


I'll get me coat.


Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith

Post 57

Researcher U197087

The Lars had their moments, as evidenced here smiley - ok


Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith

Post 58


I do so love it when broadsheet journalists make themselves look like stuffy morons. (my favourite example being the Daily Mail journalist Marcus Berkmann, who wrote a review of "Batman Forever" which made it very clear to anyone who had seen it that he... hadn't.)

So... today, in the T2 section of the Times, there was a photo of Natalie Portman smiley - drool.

Apparently, she's going to be appearing in a movie soon, called "Revenge of the Sixth".

Which, given that it's the sixth Star Wars movie, actually makes a kind of sense.



Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith

Post 59

Researcher U197087

I read that too, are you sure that wasn't intentional, a comment on Lucas' intention to redress the failures of the 4th and 5th?

Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith

Post 60

Researcher U197087


Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith = Averageness, Rest Forthwith

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