A Conversation for Ask h2g2
brendab Started conversation Jun 7, 2004
How do I get all my details on my personal space page?????
I have posted it 6 (at least) times but I still keep getting a message, we don't have your details for other researchers. Bunkum.
I'm fed up of pressing my update button, my computer is fed up of me pressing it. It told me off today, it said "DON'T PRESS THIS BUTTON AGAIN' Fine. Print my details and I won't.
Disgusted Scotland
Noggin the Nog Posted Jun 7, 2004
I'm not sure what the problem is, to be honest, but the "don't press this button sgain" message normally only appears when there's an uploading problem and you press send/update while the previous one isn't uploading.
When you press update wait until the system takes you back to your PS.
Noggin the Nog Posted Jun 7, 2004
There has been/is a problem with the search h2g2 function today, and I've had difficulty in accessing guide entries (Your ps is a guide entry) so it may be a database problem. In which case you may need to wait until its sorted. Goodluck anyway.
brendab Posted Jun 8, 2004
You are a truly wonderful person and I love you in a very real and computer-like way.
I'll take you advice, leave it a while, then try again.
Be afraid, be very afraid, I may be back (for more advice).
Thanks once again Nog.
Much Appreciated.
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