A Conversation for Ask h2g2

D-Day 1944

Post 1


Calling all you historians I was just wondering if any one could tell me how D-Day got its name.

smiley - surfer

D-Day 1944

Post 2


Straining my E grade A level history knowledge here

I think its just the codename the allied high command gave it, designed to allowing to name the event without giving away to the Germans what was actually going to happen. As appossed to calling it 'Invasion Day' or 'Liberation Day' and giving away the plan (secrecy was of utmost importance for D-day landings to suceed.)

Why particularly 'D', i'm not sure maybe it was just catchy and easy for the allied command to remember and prevented confusion amongst the troops.

D-Day 1944

Post 3


Fairly standard military terminology...

H Hour would be a way of defining a set time, for instance the hour an attack was due to start - a good way of timetabling events in advance prior to an actual physical time being agreed upon.

D Day - the same thing for a specific date.

D-Day 1944

Post 4


Thanks for that. I'd heard that is was short for "The Day" and "Der Day" so I'd just thought I'd ask smiley - biggrin

smiley - surfer

D-Day 1944

Post 5

riotact : like a phoenix from the ashes

to back up this explanation, in french it's called "le jour J'

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