A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What's the worst computer problem you have ever had?

Post 1


And how did you fix it?

I've had two.

One dust got into my harddrive and poor Nige (yes I've called him Nige) had to have a labotomy.smiley - wah It took me about six months to get someone to tell me that if the computer makes any noise, (Big Nige was whizzing and whurling and clicking) then it's a problem with the parts and not the software. And to fix it you need to get the part replaced.

The second was that it would flash up a blue screen and say dumping physical memory. For that I needed SP1 (If you don't like downloading on the web microsoft will send one out to you for free).

What are yours and how did it disrupt your life, and more importantly, how did you get it fixed?

What's the worst computer problem you have ever had?

Post 2


1st: a head crash – no chance to fix that. smiley - erm fortunately I had a back-up. smiley - smiley

2nd: my laptop turned itself on and off and on and off and on and off… all by itself. first there were about 30 minutes between each action. in the end there were merely seconds between turning off and on and off and on and off and on… smiley - erm
there was something wrong with the hardware, as I was told by an expert.
how I fixed it: well, actually the laptop fixed itself: after spending a few weeks without electricity I plugged it in again. don’t ask me how that worked, but in the end it stopped turning on and off and on and off and on and off… all by itself. smiley - ok

kat smiley - blackcat

What's the worst computer problem you have ever had?

Post 3


when there is no monitor output, u change graphics cards to ensure it isn';t taht, still not work. conclusion smiley - bleeped motherboard. so basically time to get a new computer, cos when that happens it is not worth keeping the otehr bits anyway.

What's the worst computer problem you have ever had?

Post 4


I never realised how much I used my computer untill it broke down. Or how attached I get to inanimate objects.

What's the worst computer problem you have ever had?

Post 5

Mu Beta

That's disgusting!


What's the worst computer problem you have ever had?

Post 6


That's very judgemental Master B!

The worst problem I had was when it started making a siren noise, like an ambulance, so I had to turn it off. It was like a physical pain. Still, it forced me to finally relpace the fan that had been on it's last (very noisy) legs for around half a year (if not more).

Although I'm now having a problem that means I can't access secure sites, so the number of sites I can do anything useful with is diminishing rapidly. That'll probably be fixed once my internet habit gets so bad I'm rushing into work in the middle of the night, to pay for whatever sparkly thing I've just won on eBay.

What's the worst computer problem you have ever had?

Post 7

Mu Beta

"That's very judgemental Master B!"

**picks up imaginary phone**

'Hello. Kettle? This is Mina. You're black'

smiley - tongueout


What's the worst computer problem you have ever had?

Post 8


*gesticulates in a way that leaves Master B in no doubt that she means 'Up Yours'*

smiley - nahnah

What's the worst computer problem you have ever had?

Post 9

A Super Furry Animal

Complete hard disk failure. No prospect of recovering any data.

Took computer to the shop for a new hard drive and upgraded to twice the memory (now 20Gb - this is a very old computer). So, apart from losing a few old e-mails that I'd never read again anyway, no real probs. The main thing was the smiley - bleeping backlog when I got back on Hootoo!

RFsmiley - evilgrin

What's the worst computer problem you have ever had?

Post 10

Dark Master - The end is now (2005/03/01) Officially Left

I had a complete hard disk failure which I then realised was the only location of the drivers for my all-in-one super duper motherboard. Then to make matters worse the download was 17MB and at the time I was on pay-as-you-go dial-up with an average download rate of 2.5 KB/s. Fortunately I got them from WIRO

What's the worst computer problem you have ever had?

Post 11

Dark Master - The end is now (2005/03/01) Officially Left

OK, apparently we dont have a smiley..... oops... lets use smiley - ta instead

What's the worst computer problem you have ever had?

Post 12



Don't apreciate the Benny Hill overtones, I can assure you I'm nothing but sweetness and light, innocense and angelicnesssmiley - winkeye

No honestly I am...

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