A Conversation for Ask h2g2

How do you know you're spending too much time at the pc?

Post 1

Wilma Neanderthal

... a particularly good sign is when you want to know the time while driving and look to the bottom right hand corner of the car's windscreen.

smiley - erm

How do you know you're spending too much time at the pc?

Post 2

Wilma Neanderthal

How do you know you spend too much time at the pc?

How do you know you're spending too much time at the pc?

Post 3


When the drool from the corner of your mouth solidifies into a strand connected to the keyboard.

How do you know you're spending too much time at the pc?

Post 4

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

When hubby starts saying, 'Sorry Mags' when I've let him next to it for 5mins smiley - evilgrin

How do you know you're spending too much time at the pc?

Post 5


when you think you can "undo" mistakes and you dream about your online guild smiley - erm

How do you know you're spending too much time at the pc?

Post 6

Wilma Neanderthal

how about when your teen begs to be let on so he can research his school project smiley - blush

How do you know you're spending too much time at the pc?

Post 7


I don't know, but I'll google it.

How do you know you're spending too much time at the pc?

Post 8

Secretly Not Here Any More

When you're getting withdrawl symptoms due to the time you've spent away from your laptop?

Laptops, all the joys of PC use combined with all the joys of sitting on the couch.

How do you know you're spending too much time at the pc?

Post 9

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - envy

(smiley - laugh and smiley - ok at bpm)

How do you know you're spending too much time at the pc?

Post 10


And the police aren't allowed to put points on your lisence.

How do you know you're spending too much time at the pc?

Post 11


How do you spot a well-balanced Hootooer?

The solidified drool from each corner of their mouth is of equal length.

How do you know you're spending too much time at the pc?

Post 12


Does it have to be from my mouth?

How do you know you're spending too much time at the pc?

Post 13


smiley - bigeyes

How do you know you're spending too much time at the pc?

Post 14

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - yuk

How do you know you're spending too much time at the pc?

Post 15

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - erm by 'at the PC' you seem to be suggesting there is 'something', of 'not at the PC' smiley - erm does not compute. need more cowbells.

How do you know you're spending too much time at the pc?

Post 16

Aries (ACE)

When you start wondering how many other complicated devices can be controlled by something as simple as a mouse.

How do you know you're spending too much time at the pc?

Post 17

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

My computer contains the water boiling device in the other room which makes te and coffee smiley - erm (well it would if I could figure out the circutary properly) smiley - doh

How do you know you're spending too much time at the pc?

Post 18

Aries (ACE)

How about this then: When the amount of computer controlled appliances in your house outnumber the uncontrolled ones.

I too got those rather nifty computer controlled plugs, I can't say I have had much trouble with them. I can control my kettle and my toaster from where I sit. My computer practically makes me breakfast in the morning.

How do you know you're spending too much time at the pc?

Post 19

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

When you had meant to go to bed 3 hours ago but have spent the last 3 hours watching things like this: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6474278760369344626 and this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVbAuMr5eac as well as Newsnight.

How do you know you're spending too much time at the pc?

Post 20

Researcher U197087

When you step away and the world is one giant spreadsheet. smiley - cdouble

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