A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Just a quick geeky yikesy by-the-way

Post 401


I knew the diet coke + mentos trick, but I didn't know the cornstarch + water one smiley - biggrin


smiley - scientist

Just a quick geeky yikesy by-the-way

Post 402

Researcher U197087

Toys available, from the guy who gave us We Like Tha Moon smiley - smiley


Just a quick geeky yikesy by-the-way

Post 403

Mu Beta

If you enjoyed the Pachelbel's Canon bloke, he's back - and still funny.



Just a quick geeky yikesy by-the-way

Post 404

Researcher U197087

smiley - laugh great!

Just a quick geeky yikesy by-the-way

Post 405

Researcher U197087

The wisdom of interactive radio (That Mitchell & Webb Sound)


Just a quick geeky yikesy by-the-way

Post 406

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

smiley - musicalnoteSo happy together ...


TRiG.smiley - laughsmiley - artistsmiley - musicalnote

Just a quick geeky yikesy by-the-way

Post 407

Researcher U197087

smiley - biggrin Sweet

Your presence is requested at the Youtube Music thread. smiley - grovel


Just a quick geeky yikesy by-the-way

Post 408

Researcher U197087

Some Japanese guys playing football with binoculars strapped to their heads -


I think I'm turning Japanese

Post 409

Pink Paisley

That's it! I'm definitely going to be Japanese when I grow up.




And not Japanese buut enough to get you thrown out of the fitness club.

Post 410

Pink Paisley



Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 411


'Dieu est un fumeur de havanes' (God is a cigar smoker), the famous Gainsbourg - Deneuve duet.

Gainsbourg slightly smiley - drunk tries to grope Catherine who remains dignified smiley - biggrin


Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 412

Researcher U197087

Cats are teh stupid - proof


Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 413


Well, that's exactly how my smiley - cat woke me up in the middle of the night last summer smiley - biggrin

Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 414


Jesus and satan, from Jerry Springer the opera. I posted this as part of another link today. Christian fundamentalists have just lost their blasphemy case against the director of the show.


Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 415

Researcher U197087

The first few minutes of JJ Abrams' new Cloverfield movie (effectively the Blair Godzilla Project).


Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 416

YalsonKSA - "I'm glad birthdays don't come round regularly, as I'm not sure I could do that too often."

Two examples of utterly misdirected and pointless endevour.



Just utterly, utterly rubbish. I mean, how many things can you get wrong in one five-second clip?

Secondly, possibly my favourite thing on Youtube in history. This may have been on here before, but I don't care. Everything about it, from the huge amount of time that it obviously took to put together, to the random collection of percussive 'instruments', (especially the ornamental wooden frog,) to the hugely underwhelming musical result just makes me want to cry with laughter. It's either a work of genius or hopeless folly. And it goes on FOREVER.


Finally, here is a man old enough to know better with clearly too much time on his hands.


He looks so pleased with himself afterwards, too.

Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 417



nightmarish, esp baby @ 2:04

Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 418

Pink Paisley




Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 419

The Groob

Totally incorrect English. Any English person I know would say: "Oh f*@* me, I got the s*@* so bad I could s*@# through the eye of a needle".

Any YouTube gems you'd care to share?

Post 420

The Groob

Gymnastics accidents


You're a bad person if you laugh smiley - winkeye

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