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Groundhog day

Post 1


I'm doing an entry about the Groundhog day film and want to ask:

Which TV series have had a groundhog day-like episode?

I've already got:

Star Trek - The Next Generation, Xena, Stargate SG-1 and Farscape.

Any others?

Groundhog day

Post 2

Baron Grim

Not a tv series but a short film from 1990 that preceded 'Groundhog Day'

"12:01 PM" starred Kurtwood Smith who is now known for his role of Red Forman on 'That 70's Show'. It's a much darker and serious version. Smith's character keeps reliving the same 59 minutes over and over but nothing he does changes anything... As I remember the film ends when Smith's character commits suicide but still returns just like Murray in GhD but with a much more dire and forboding feeling that there is NO escape for the 'hero'.

Anyway, I had seen this before I saw Groundhog day and so appreciated that GhD explored the time loop even further (and with so much comic effect). "Don't drive angry... don't drive angry."

Groundhog day

Post 3

Trin Tragula

'White Hole' episode from Red Dwarf IV briefly plays around with the idea, though it's not a whole day that gets repeated: more 'caught in a time loop' sort of thingy.

Along the same lines (though quite possibly the first appearance of the idea) is J.G. Ballard's (very) short story of 1956, 'Escapement', where the protagonist gets caught in a diminishing and repeating bit of time while watching TV.

As for whole days getting repeated, 'Groundhog Day' itself draws on Frank Capra's 'It's a Wonderful Life' (only it's Christmas Eve rather than Groundhog Day)

Groundhog day

Post 4

Florida Sailor All is well with the world

There is a Television Movie that has been playing in the US the last few years called 'Christmas Every Day' where a teenage bay keeps reliving Christmas day until he understands the holiday.

F smiley - shark S

Groundhog day

Post 5

Florida Sailor All is well with the world

oops bay = boy smiley - sorry

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