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What are we supposed to call this decade? Or this year for that matter?

Post 21

Samuel Pepys

yes but whether I shall at my age is another matter dear Sir!

What are we supposed to call this decade? Or this year for that matter?

Post 22


True revolution is best left to the youngsters anyway, but that doesn't mean we can dabble a bit, or keep our fingers in rebellion around home. smiley - winkeye


Post 23

Ben The Hippy

civilisation is definitely not prepubescent, that would imply innocence or at least a certain cherubic ability to charm any adult civilisations that might point the finger...

no, this is very much a spotty angst-ridden civilisation that needs to grow up in a hurry.

i'm excluding myself from that last bit of course. life wouldn't be any fun.

BTH smiley - bigeyes


Post 24


smiley - musicalnote Growin up just leads to smiley - musicalnote
smiley - musicalnote Growin old and then to dying smiley - musicalnote
smiley - musicalnote And dying to me don't sound smiley - musicalnote
smiley - musicalnote Like all that much fun smiley - musicalnote

*ahem* oops. smiley - winkeye



Post 25

Samuel Pepys

Certainly the immortality i have found via this site is strangely comforting. But the world - ahhhh how it has changed. Makes me long for the days when we rejoiced in the luxury of a country at peace with itself and Nell first came to the attention of Old Rowley.


Post 26


Was that before or after Roy, Dale and Trigger? smiley - winkeye

What are we supposed to call this decade? Or this year for that matter?

Post 27


www.hey.com has a nice article on this one.
The author decides on "the zoomin' zeroes"
Sounds ok to me.

What are we supposed to call this decade? Or this year for that matter?

Post 28


Man on the moon? Bunkum! He would sink through the cheesy crust would he not? Ah the great cheese ravines on Luna... brings back some memories it does, floating down rivers of molten fromage atop a Kraft slice. Those were the days... back in the 19-naughties if I remember rightly. But then me old cheese-like noggin is getting a bit swiss these days.

No bacon today though... been that way for a while. Have to ask The Matron about that one. Gammon though... funny that. Ah.

What are we supposed to call this decade? Or this year for that matter?

Post 29


I recently had a little discussion with one of my friends about the name of this decade. After a weeks shouting at each other, we decided to write a mail to "Dansk Sprognævn", which is the people who ar "in charge" of the danish language, you know, decides what is correct spelling, and what to write in dictionaries and that sort of thing. They said that this decade in danish is called "enerne" or "the ones". I can't see why this is supposed to be a better name than the other suggestions, as the year 2000 doesn't even have a 1 in it, but thats technically the correct name (in Denmark at least. Maybe the rest of the world is a bit more sensible?) smiley - winkeye

What are we supposed to call this decade? Or this year for that matter?

Post 30


Cheese? *perks* ... When did you say the next moonshuttle takes off? smiley - winkeye


What are we supposed to call this decade? Or this year for that matter?

Post 31


Hm.. I think it's a bit early to name this year, dekade, century, or whatever (you pick).. after all we are just in the beginning of it, and we don't know what is going to happen in the future that might be such a big happening that the "whatever you picked" is named after that.
Surely the people in the dark ages didn't call it the "Dark Ages" , the naming of it came later.

What is the last century (1900- ) called anyway? I heard someone speaking of "The Nuclear age" .....

What are we supposed to call this decade? Or this year for that matter?

Post 32

Prof OE

What about the "Twenty Hundreds". Sounds lousy I admit, I've been using the Noughties.

smiley - fish

What are we supposed to call this decade? Or this year for that matter?

Post 33


In distant future classrooms, I suspect we'll be romantacized as something like, "The Dawn of Technology" ... which doesn't have a bad ring to it, after all. smiley - winkeye


What are we supposed to call this decade? Or this year for that matter?

Post 34

C Hawke

So half way into the decade and is there any clear answer?

Will the lack of one (if there is) effect the way we feel about this period?

Will the media have problems in classifying our behaviour and dress?

Does anyone care?

What other l;ong lost threads can I find on a rainy Saturday afternoon? smiley - biggrin

CHawke (nearly 5 years on h2g2, gosh, whats happened with my life?)

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