A Conversation for Ask h2g2
GillieGirl Started conversation Jan 2, 2000
Has anyone ever seen squirrel mess? One always sees dog pee in the snow and cat poop, but never sqirrel.
Baker Posted Jan 2, 2000
Strange...Now that you mention it, no. Especially since there's squirrels all over my yard.
Stuffe Posted Jan 11, 2000
What do you think they make 'Topic' chocolate bars out of?.....A hazelnut in every bite eh, hmmmm.....
manda1111 Posted Dec 30, 2009
How do you know you have never seen squirrel poop. that cat poop that you see might be squieels poop, but they have disguised it as cat poop so they don't get blamed for doing it
STRANGELY STRANGE ( A brain on a spring ) Posted Dec 30, 2009
I have seen a squirell squat on my shed roof and pee. In my wildlife book their poo is described as rat poo sized but rounder.
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