A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Flog a dead horse ?

Post 41


I will be honoured to be added to your friends list ...click on this smiley to get smileys pagesmiley - smiley I will add you to mine

Flog a dead horse ?

Post 42


Thanks smiley - smiley

Flog a dead horse ?

Post 43

A Super Furry Animal

There's pages and pages of smileys here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/smileys

I can't remember who said it, but someone did, and it bears repeating: a friend will help you move house; a true friend will help you move a body.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Flog a dead horse ?

Post 44


I have friends like that....looks for body...

Flog a dead horse ?

Post 45


Thanks for that smiley - laugh

Flog a dead horse ?

Post 46

aka Bel - A87832164

smiley - laugh at RF

I'm not sure if I'd be a true friend then, I can't really see myself moving a body smiley - biggrin

Goodnight all smiley - hug

Flog a dead horse ?

Post 47


night bel sleep wellsmiley - zzz

Flog a dead horse ?

Post 48

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Laters B'El.smiley - cuddle

Flog a dead horse ?

Post 49


Friendships are based on different things and sometimes people move on because they don't have things in common any more. If you don't have the same amount of fun you used to have when you do meet up then maybe it's time to move on anyway!

Flog a dead horse ?

Post 50


Thanks Z. Person in question read this thread and sent me an e-mail to apologise so I've just sent one back. Hopefully things will get back to normal soon. smiley - smiley

Flog a dead horse ?

Post 51

A Super Furry Animal

Now, about that body...

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Flog a dead horse ?

Post 52


Glad things are working out!

This got me thinking about friendships - there are those that die because of lack of oppertunity and effort - my friends that have moved to a different job recently. I'll make the effort to keep those alive and send a text message to see if they fancy a drink.

Those where we see each other regularly anyway: in the same social circle/hospital* but don't have much in common I wouldn't make an effort to keep going.

*much the same thing for Junior Drs.

Flog a dead horse ?

Post 53


I know exactly what you mean Z smiley - smiley.

Can't find that body smiley - laugh

Flog a dead horse ?

Post 54

A Super Furry Animal


Gets me thinking too.

A large number of my friends are people I've worked with. More recently, people I've met over the internet (including h2g2) have come along.

When I'm working at a place, I have a large circle of aquaintances, and maybe some friends. When I leave a place, that's when I find out who were the friends, who were the aquaintances. Some places I've worked, the friends=0. Other places (including one I left 8 years ago), the friends I made there have been amongst the most enduring in my life (I had a peripatetic childhood, the concept of "childhood friends" never happened with me).

When I leave my surrent employment, there is, realistically, one person I'd keep in touch with.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Flog a dead horse ?

Post 55


A lot of my friends are people I work with too but I wouldn't want to keep in touch with a few of them if I left.

Flog a dead horse ?

Post 56


I'm very bad at keeping in touch with people once our paths diverge - leaving school, university, moving house, no longer standing at the school gate. Often, once the common interest has gone, there's really nothing left.
When you do meet up with people again, once you've caught up on the news of the past years, that's it.

You do have to make an effort to keep in touch wih people unless you regularly see them e.g. at work, belonging to a club. It's all to easy for time to slip by without making arrangements to meet.

Flog a dead horse ?

Post 57

A Super Furry Animal

This seems an opportune moment to mention A13222847

As me good chum Peter Garrett* says, "What's *your* excuse?" smiley - winkeye

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Not taht I've actually met him or anyfink like that...

Flog a dead horse ?

Post 58

aka Bel - A87832164

You know my excuse smiley - wah

Flog a dead horse ?

Post 59

Not him

I'm now going to be one of those selfish sort of friends that was mentioned earlier, and talk about my problem. My girlfriend is doing the one way communication: text messages go in, and nothing comes out.

And I have no excuse for anything. I'm sorry.

Flog a dead horse ?

Post 60


I may or may not have been involved with a certain girl. Anyway she actually later mentioned that she was in the habit of waiting for men to ring so that she'd know that they actually wanted to talk to her. Which I thought was interesting.

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