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Songs that turn into other songs halfway through singing them to yourself

Post 1

Mu Beta

Does anyone else experience this phenomena?

If I try to sing Billy Joel's 'We Didn't Start the Fire' to myself, it inevitably turns into the theme tune from Only Fools and Horses. smiley - huh

To demonstrate:

"Harry Truman, Doris Day, Red China, Johnny Ray, South Pacific, Walter Winchell, Joe DiMaggio...
...TVs, deep freeze, David Bowie LPs, from a mush in Shepherd's Bush..."

Is there a name for this phenomenon? 'Malapopism', perhaps?


Songs that turn into other songs halfway through singing them to yourself

Post 2

Sierra Indigo - now Cheesecakethulhu flavoured

smiley - laugh I do that all the time. The one that gets me the worst, though, is the "Just Don't Look" song from The Simpsons (Where the giant advertising slogans come to life). That always, /always/ manages to turn into the Baby Elephant Walk for me *G*

Songs that turn into other songs halfway through singing them to yourself

Post 3

Mu Beta

smiley - laugh Yeah, I can see that one.


Songs that turn into other songs halfway through singing them to yourself

Post 4

Mu Beta

This thread died a death then? That'll teach me to post on Sundays. smiley - sadface


Songs that turn into other songs halfway through singing them to yourself

Post 5

Zantic - Who is this woman??

I know it happens to me all the time, but unfortunately I can't actually give you an example at this particular moment in time - mainly cos I rarely realise it until after the second / third / fourth sone ends!

Zantic smiley - dragon

Songs that turn into other songs halfway through singing them to yourself

Post 6


I can't think of one right now, but I'm posting because I want to nominate the word "malapopism" as the wittiest thing I've seen/heard anyone say, here on h2g2 or anywhere else, this year.

smiley - applause


Songs that turn into other songs halfway through singing them to yourself

Post 7

Mu Beta

Cheers Hoov - nice to see you back as your original self. smiley - smiley


Songs that turn into other songs halfway through singing them to yourself

Post 8

The Groob

It's been said in the plagiarism thread that the number one song at the moment (er, Black Eyes Peas?) sounds simliar to Torn by Natalie Imbrugliwooglia. I was 'going over' Torn in my head and it turned into Desiree's Life.

Robert Palmer joined two Marvin Gaye songs almost imperceptibly in a single some years ago (Mercy Mercy me, I want you).

I'm sure this phenomenon would occur with Westlife songs as they're so alike, but they're not particularly memorable in the first place.

Songs that turn into other songs halfway through singing them to yourself

Post 9

Sierra Indigo - now Cheesecakethulhu flavoured

It happens for me with Creed all the time, too.

Songs that turn into other songs halfway through singing them to yourself

Post 10


This happens to me quite often, especially with 'earworms' (those annoying songs you cannot get out of your head). Many of them end up segueing into some other, usually equally annoying, song.

Happily I cannot remember any of them right now but one of them is definitely connected to Abba's Waterloo. Aaaaaargh.


Songs that turn into other songs halfway through singing them to yourself

Post 11

The Groob

Hmmmm, Roy Wood?

I always er, malapop their christmas song with their 'other' song.

Songs that turn into other songs halfway through singing them to yourself

Post 12


Once-upon-a-time, Bruce Springsteen was playing his 'Born in the USA' to a v. large audience in somewhere like Buenos Aires and made the mistake of encouraging the crowd to sing along...

So they did...

But they sang 'La Bamba' instead smiley - rofl

Songs that turn into other songs halfway through singing them to yourself

Post 13

chickadee (wheee!)

whenever i try to hum beethoven's fifth, it turns into the william tell overture smiley - huh

does anyone else get that thingy with only a couple lines of some song running and running and on and on through your head? and you can't remember anything else fromt eh song ... smiley - groan

Songs that turn into other songs halfway through singing them to yourself

Post 14


Here's a rather scary one I just had:

The song Maria from West Side Story suddenly turning into the theme music from Charlie's Angels (the tv programme).



Songs that turn into other songs halfway through singing them to yourself

Post 15

chickadee (wheee!)

i had the hamtaro theme song stuck in my, and it turned into the producers, somewhere. very very weird.

Songs that turn into other songs halfway through singing them to yourself

Post 16

The Groob

For some reason I had the song

'I know an old man called Michael Finnegan'

on the brain, and it turned into

'Daddies gonna take us to the zoo tomorrow....'

Songs that turn into other songs halfway through singing them to yourself

Post 17

Mu Beta

That's quite disturbing actually. smiley - erm


Songs that turn into other songs halfway through singing them to yourself

Post 18


I've listened to too much "Weird" smiley - weird Al Yankovic - No song is normal in my head smiley - silly

Songs that turn into other songs halfway through singing them to yourself

Post 19

The Groob

I find that The Darkness christmas song keeps turning into Suburbia by the Pet Shop Boys.

Songs that turn into other songs halfway through singing them to yourself

Post 20


The single by the Flaming Lips that is soooo nicked from Cat Stevens (the one where he "has to go ")smiley - smiley

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