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how do you put weight on your fingers?

Post 1


how do you put weight on your fingers?

Post 2

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Very difficult I should imagine.
If, of course, it is the case that I am correctly 'reading' the question in teh title.
If not, then one answer could be, lift it up with your other hand and place on the fingers of your other hand.
If, however, I was correct in my first interpuratation, then I'd have to say that it is rather difficult, as weight on the body, tends to sit in teh same places; thighs, abdomin, chest, top of the back, bum etc. Not, generally, therefor eon the fingers.
However, there of course I am mainly talking about adipose tissue, muscle tissue you should be able to build up on the fingers with some suitible finger exercising, though this is quite difficult and would take a fair old while to achieve. smiley - erm I have to ask, though, why would you want to do so? smiley - erm

how do you put weight on your fingers?

Post 3


because i went to a jewellers to get a ring for my birthday, months back, and i ordered a ring but they had to order it in a small size, which is why it took ages to get to me. now i've got it...its still too big! so i figure it'll probably be easier for me to put weight onto my fingers than it wpuld to reorder the ring in a smaller size

how do you put weight on your fingers?

Post 4


you could try visiting a working jeweler and ask to have a band put inside the ring if it's a wide ring you could try a small loose rubber band on the finger (dont want you loseing a finger so not too tight ! you could possibly hydrate the area for short periods but its not lasting. i'd go for first optionsmiley - smiley

how do you put weight on your fingers?

Post 5

Captain_SpankMunki [Keeper & Former ACE] Thanking <Diety of choice> for the joy of Goo.

10 smiley - ale and a kebab - every Friday night (and Saturday if you dare) for 6 weeks. That'll sort you out good and proper.


how do you put weight on your fingers?

Post 6

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Just eat some finger food smiley - biggrin

how do you put weight on your fingers?

Post 7

Gnomon - time to move on

It's easier to change the ring than to change your hand, and it won't have any long-term effects on your health, either.

how do you put weight on your fingers?

Post 8


with this ring i think it would actually be easierto get fat fingers! the jewellers took about 6 months to get the ring in the first place, in a small size, so if i wanted it even smaller i don't think i could cope! but i might try the rubber band idea

how do you put weight on your fingers?

Post 9

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Using a climbers' hand grip exerciser will make your fingers bigger, I speak from experience. You can get them from places like Snow and Rock.

smiley - ale

how do you put weight on your fingers?

Post 10


oooOooOh do those smiley - erm hole punch thingies work? you know the ones that are in like a 'V' shape and you squeeze together the ends to punch holes into papper? coz i've got one of those next to me, but does it have to be like a weightlifting type of thing? smiley - erm

how do you put weight on your fingers?

Post 11


oooOooOh do those smiley - erm hole punch thingies work? you know the ones that are in like a 'V' shape and you squeeze together the ends to punch holes into papper? coz i've got one of those next to me, but does it have to be like a weightlifting type of thing? smiley - erm

how do you put weight on your fingers?

Post 12

Gnomon - time to move on

A good goldsmith should be able to make a ring smaller, if you leave the ring with them for about a week. They cut a tiny section out of the ring, join the ends and smooth it all off.

how do you put weight on your fingers?

Post 13


you see the reason why the ring can't just have a bit lopped off the end is coz its one of those that smiley - erm say if you had one strip of straight silver band, not joined up right, then you bend the strip so that the ends don't meet eachother but lay above one another, parallel like. so its kind of twisted, then theres three stones in between the gap of the two ends smiley - erm does that make sense?

____ so the front of it looks a bit like this...but a lot ncer or i wouldn't go to all the trouble of trying to put weight on my fingers

how do you put weight on your fingers?

Post 14

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

They look like a row of buttons on springs- one side fits into the palm of your hand, then you press the buttons down withh the tips of your fingers. You have to use it properly though, otherwise it's too easy.

smiley - ale

how do you put weight on your fingers?

Post 15


smiley - ok thanks, i'll have a look out for one of those!

how do you put weight on your fingers?

Post 16

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

In the meantime, try one ofthose little rubber tubes that fit on the underside fo the ring, in the crook of the join between you palm and finger- they work for rings that a bit loose.

smiley - ale

how do you put weight on your fingers?

Post 17


i've tried one of those, but you know the slot in the side of it, where it slots onto your ring, the tube always slides round to that bit and then falls off! i have skinny fingers so have tried them many times before, i think i'd lost about 5 of those tubey things when i decidedto give up on em

how do you put weight on your fingers?

Post 18


would that work though, using the hole puncher thing? i've just done it for a while and it feels like i'm working some muscles... just realised i've been doing it with my left hand and my ring is on the right! i type mainly with the right you see!

ok, how can you quickly learn to type with your left hand?!

how do you put weight on your fingers?

Post 19

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Worth a go I suppose. Make sure you press down with the end of your fingers, with your fingers bent, not make a fist around it, if you see what I mean.

smiley - ale

how do you put weight on your fingers?

Post 20


but do it with the hand i want the fingers to be built up on smiley - biggrin

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