A Conversation for Ask h2g2


Post 1

The Groob

I've just had a message from someone on here asking me asl. Who let the sun readers in?


Post 2

Chris.When you struggle with words and they put up a fight,Just keep ya mouth shut,it doesnt matter tonight.


I hate that and it something i very rarely ask anyone.The only time i will ask is when someone asks me and i tell them and add "you??" at the end.

Oh i read the Sun by the way!!!


Post 3


*revealing ignorance*
wots ASL?

(I thought it was american sign language)


Post 4

Chris.When you struggle with words and they put up a fight,Just keep ya mouth shut,it doesnt matter tonight.

Marj..It stands for...



Post 5

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Or, indeed, on H2G2, I thought it stands for, and something I is member of, 'anti Squirrel League' smiley - erm


Post 6

Chris.When you struggle with words and they put up a fight,Just keep ya mouth shut,it doesnt matter tonight.

And what you got about squirrels?

Oh reminds me of a joke!!!

Why do squirrels swim on thier backs??

To keep thier nuts dry!!!

Got me in trouble that joke once!!


Post 7

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - biggrin here is the link to the ASL;


Post 8

The Groob

My local animal hospital are not allowed to release repaired squirrels into the wild as squirrel are classed as 'virmin'

I don't make up the rules smiley - smiley


Post 9

The Groob

My local animal hospital are not allowed to release repaired squirrels into the wild as squirrel are classed as 'virmin'

I don't make up the rules smiley - smiley


Post 10

Chris.When you struggle with words and they put up a fight,Just keep ya mouth shut,it doesnt matter tonight.

Thanx for the link.smiley - cheers

Not sure why they would class squirrels as vermin though.


Post 11

The Groob

Grey squirrels still get the blaim for seeing-off the red squirrels in the UK. Not true, apparently.


Post 12


ahhhh, I see

is an overly forward request then?
and insulting?

or alternatively
an attempt to distinguish one from the vermin?

(I don't really like squirrels except sometimes they are very cute when they try to bury things in the lawn)


Post 13

The Groob

ASL means to me "I'm not gonna like you unless you fit a predetermined profile"


Post 14

The Groob

Oh, I'm having a bad spelling day. 'virmin' and 'blaim' in one thread. Oh the shame.


Post 15


shaime you mean? smiley - winkeye


Post 16

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

The LDer have been here for sometime... I find the phonetic way they type quite frustrating at times... I like Standard English...

smiley - peacedove


Post 17


ASL? is used by lazy people with poor conversational skills basically! smiley - erm

And not everyone who used to go on LD is guilty of it Stealth Kam as I'm sure you've realised.


Post 18

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

Yes I have... I hope I'm not guilty of sweeping generalisations...

smiley - peacedove


Post 19


I think you can be forgiven smiley - smiley


Post 20


>>>Not sure why they would class squirrels as vermin though.

They are classed as vermin under UK law, so blame the politicians.

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