A Conversation for Ask h2g2

natural antibiotic

Post 1


Anyone know of a natural antibiotic?
(Need antibiotics but can't get to a doctor at the mo as on holiday and have no transport!)
smiley - borgsmiley - tennisball
Was just wondering if there was a natural alternative out there!

Can't get to Docs until wed so thought it was worth a try.

smiley - smiley

natural antibiotic

Post 2

Mu Beta

Mouldy bread is the classic. Penicillin and all that.

Mind you, you'd be hazarding all the more harmful moulds on there.

I personally find that the best way to kill off any nasty bacteria that are living in either you digestive or respiratory system, is a frighteningly hot curry, which could explain why I had a cold during Lent.smiley - biggrin


natural antibiotic

Post 3

Seamus...the forbidden

Garlic is probably the most effective and easily available substitute and can be taken internally or used as a wound dressing.

Seamussmiley - smiley

natural antibiotic

Post 4

Mu Beta

As long as you don't mind people ignoring you for the rest of the day...


natural antibiotic

Post 5

Researcher 220282

whats the problem I'll have a look in 'The Green Witch' for you

Jonathan smiley - zoom

natural antibiotic

Post 6


Thanks people

Will hunt down some anti-smell garlic which might help

need some nice smelling flowers to run on me so I smell nice and heal up!


natural antibiotic

Post 7

Researcher 220282

if your going to take garlic parsley is very good for counteracting the smell smiley - smiley

natural antibiotic

Post 8

Mu Beta

I've never understood that - it just makes me smell like garlic bread.smiley - biggrin

I think the best counteractant (if that's a word) to garlic is fennel seeds.


natural antibiotic

Post 9


Thanks jonathan

I have a spot that has gone and got itself infected and sore!
Woke up this morning and it now hurts to move my arm!
It is on my chest near the upper arm so hurts to do any stretching

The Green witch sounds interesting!
I am quite into herbal remedies and alternative therapy
Is it a book or a website?

Any help would be great as it is driving me mad
It is not agony just always there!

Big Hug

natural antibiotic

Post 10


Witch Hazel...or tea tree oil - will dry out the spot and stop it from re-infecting itself.

natural antibiotic

Post 11


I'd probably go with garlic as well smiley - ok

natural antibiotic

Post 12

Researcher 220282

Hi Hazelnut smiley - smiley

'The Green Witch' is a book w
ritten by Barbara Griggs and is ten years old now (ISBN 0-7126-4725-2) it doesnt list a treatment for infected spots but it doesnt say that hot compresssmiley - towel will draw infections and if the skin is broken you could use marigold tincture or teatree oil in water a 10-1 solution and swob gently..... ..I think it might be worth you going to a chemist (if you cant get to a doctor)for advice just to be on the safe side hope this helpssmiley - smiley

Jonathansmiley - zoom

natural antibiotic

Post 13


I will get some tea tree oil and a hot compress and if it is still funny will find a chemist

Sounds like a good book!

Haz xx

natural antibiotic

Post 14

Researcher 220282

It is worth a copy I think there might even be an updated version now hope you feel better soon

Jonathansmiley - zoom

natural antibiotic

Post 15


I looked on amazon and there were two one for the home and one for health and beauty!

Good tip will treat myself to one!

Will soon be at Wimbledon (or at the hotel anyway)
Best therapy - tennis and strawberries! - pitty about having to Q getting there tonight ready for tomorrow bright and early!

Big Hug

natural antibiotic

Post 16

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I saw a mention od tea tree oil up there ^ Thatt's the one I was thinking of smiley - smiley

smiley - geeksmiley - online2longsmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - hangoversmiley - ok

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