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Suggestions for a really good email system...

Post 1


OK - on the back of my last email about my latest spam mails, what would you like your email system to be able to do? No limits on your imagination!

* An email system that infects spammers with a *real* virus..

* An email system that automatically sends the bank account details of all spammers to certain other email addresses in Nigeria.

* An email system that reads all your emails, determines the probability of consequences if you don't respond, and if it's below 95%, trashes them.

* An email system that floods your Inbox with important looking emails (full of Important Exclamation signs) at the press of a button just as the boss walks by.

Anything else?

Suggestions for a really good email system...

Post 2

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

one advice...

and cheaper one

I use both and both ara on my hootoo space!

Suggestions for a really good email system...

Post 3

A Super Furry Animal

>> An email system that reads all your emails, determines the probability of consequences if you don't respond, and if it's below 95%, trashes them. <<

That's what your bulk folder does, surely?

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Suggestions for a really good email system...

Post 4


Nah - I want something that decides for me whether the FYI from a work colleagues is worth reading too...

Suggestions for a really good email system...

Post 5

Swodahs Neetriht

Isn't there any way that someone could set up a system where every time they get a spam message, their computer just duplicates the message and sends it back to the spammer over and over again on an infinite loop until the spammer's system or server or whatever crashes in a horrible bout of flame and satisfying explosions? Or would that not be economically feasible? Or not possible?

If it would work, I'd want e-mail that did that. And alerted me every time it happened with a video clip of the spammer realizing that all their stuff is dead forever.

Suggestions for a really good email system...

Post 6

Not him

I'd like the idea of an email system smart enough to scam the scammers who e-mail. pay them back, eh?

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