A Conversation for Ask h2g2
Driving habits
Just Some Bloke Started conversation Nov 13, 1999
In England, the most dangerous drivers on the road seem to be men over about 55 who drive Volvos wearing a hat (usually a check Trilby) and wear glasses. Is this phenomenon exclusively confined to England or is it an international trend?
Driving habits
Stuffe Posted Dec 30, 1999
I disagree. The most dangerous drivers on the road or those that drive around in elderly Ford Escorts than run on aviation gasoline and are related to me. As there is only one such person in the UK, then the most dangerous persons on our streets and roads are 'Tim Wilkinsons', who have a brother called Dan.
Driving habits
manda1111 Posted Dec 30, 2009
I Think The most dangerous drivers on the roads are those people in the Inalid carages. they think they own the road AND the pavment. they will slam into you and think nothing of it
Driving habits
Mrs Zen Posted Dec 30, 2009
One of the most noticeable things about Sweden is that although a huge number of the cars are Volvos (bit surprise) they aren't driven by "Volvo Drivers". Very disorientating.
The most dangerous vehicles around where I live are smallish Purgeots driven by 19 year olds without a driving licence or insurance, wired out of their skulls on testosterone.
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Driving habits
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