A Conversation for Ask h2g2
Random busses
Superkath Started conversation Nov 5, 1999
I have an idea about Random Busses, and need help compleating and realizing the idea. You know when you need to go from A to B, but the busses go to C, D, H and Y? You'd like to cach a buss going to B directly. The Random Busses would drive around, random. Youd jump on the one that comes by, and it would take the people on it to where they'd like to go. Perhaps the majority desides, by putting the hands in the air. "Next cross: How many people wants to turn left? Hands in the air!" 7. "How many wants to turn right?" 4. Ok, then, the buss turns left. Easy!
Random busses
Taipan - Jack of Hearts Posted Nov 5, 1999
Ok, but what if you wanted to go left, left, right, and the vote went left, left, left?
Democracy is fine in some instances, but don't believe it would work in this one, instead I reckon you'll just have to put up with the dictatorship of the bus schedulers, or you'd probably never get anywhere.
Random busses
Superkath Posted Nov 5, 1999
You'd jump off the buss and cach another Random Buss. Or you'd stayed on the first one and arrived at an even better place than the one you were going to in the first place!
Random busses
E'dalethni II Posted Nov 5, 1999
Isn't that what taxis are for?
Or we could just install moving sidewalks, and then you wouldn't have to bother with the vote.
Random busses
Superkath Posted Nov 8, 1999
Taxi: Too expencive
Mooving sidewalks: Too slow. And expencive to install...
Random busses
Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor Posted Nov 13, 1999
What if you don't know which way to turn to get to where you're going?
Random busses
Superkath Posted Nov 15, 1999
Then you'll end up at an exiting, unexplored new and unknown place, like an iceland in the passific ocean or something.
Random busses
Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor Posted Nov 15, 1999
I think the whole point of this is that it only works if you don't have a particular destination in mind. Which is all well and good, but then how do you get home? What if you wind up outside the regular bus routes?
Random busses
Hoovooloo Posted Oct 21, 2019
If the buses are that random, there's no guarantee that any given spot will have a bus just happen by in the next minute, hour or month.
Interestingly, what this actually sounds like is the first glimmerings of the idea of Uber... you were just about fifteen years too early...
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Random busses
- 1: Superkath (Nov 5, 1999)
- 2: Taipan - Jack of Hearts (Nov 5, 1999)
- 3: Superkath (Nov 5, 1999)
- 4: E'dalethni II (Nov 5, 1999)
- 5: Superkath (Nov 8, 1999)
- 6: Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor (Nov 13, 1999)
- 7: Superkath (Nov 15, 1999)
- 8: Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor (Nov 15, 1999)
- 9: Hoovooloo (Oct 21, 2019)
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