A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Science Fiction? Well, fiction, yes...

Post 261

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

Yes but dvd can wait, not getting one till xmas,so have a few months to wait
Will be cheaper in the long run than collecting 5 years of episode, excuse me I 'm just going to smiley - drool over Sheridan,
wrong thread again! !
anyway smiley - cheers

Science Fiction? Well, fiction, yes...

Post 262

Math - Playing Devil's Advocate

B5 another good thing, quotes.

"truth is a three edged sword" - Kosh

"the avalanch has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" - Kosh

"No boom *today*. Boom tomorrow. There's *always* a boom tomorrow!" - Ivanova

"My shows are too tight, and I have forgotten how to dance" - Londo

"Zoot zoot" - Sheriden

And many more I can't remember off the top of my head smiley - smiley


Science Fiction? Well, fiction, yes...

Post 263


I think you'll find that Sheridan quote to be: "Zooty Zoot Zoot". Though it does scare me that this information is taking up valuable space in my brain.


Science Fiction? Well, fiction, yes...

Post 264

Math - Playing Devil's Advocate

smiley - laughsmiley - biggrin

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