A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Science Fiction? Well, fiction, yes...

Post 1

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

Yesterday, reluctantly, I went to see The Core. It was at least as bad as I had thought it might be. The script has some decent moments, but the plot is terrible. It is possibly the worst mangling of science in the name of science fiction that I have ever seen, with errors in both the large and smale scale. As a fan of good science fiction (largely only found in books), I have a morbid hatred for cynical film-makers who think that this genre is an excuse to be lazy and suspend disbelief.
So, what is the worst science in science fiction that you have ever seen?

Science Fiction? Well, fiction, yes...

Post 2


What annoys me is that people seem to think that Star Wars is an example of what sci-fi should be like. But that isn't sci-fi at all, it's just space opera. But it seems to be what pops up in their heads when they think sci-fi, and then therefore think it is all crap.

But bad manglings of science? I can't think of the worst one right now.

Science Fiction? Well, fiction, yes...

Post 3

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

Ray guns that melt walls but dont melt people (i can't remenber the movie but it was b and w)

Science Fiction? Well, fiction, yes...

Post 4


Worst Sci-fi film i saw was Dragon-hunter (Like i couldn't have guessed from the name or the fact it stars Dean Cane) Saying that, the fortress 2 Was Harry Monk aswell... smiley - geek

Science Fiction? Well, fiction, yes...

Post 5


Worst Sci-fi film i saw was Dragon-hunter (Like i couldn't have guessed from the name or the fact it stars Dean Cane) Saying that, the fortress 2 Was Harry Monk aswell... smiley - geek

Science Fiction? Well, fiction, yes...

Post 6


Hmm. I would have to agree with the Star Wars. It's an overblown, overrated collection of films. I didn't realise it was supposed to be a comedy until I actually forced myself to watch one of them. And there ain't much science in there.

Science Fiction? Well, fiction, yes...

Post 7

Gnomon - time to move on

Actually that's not as ridiculous as it sounds. A laser beam which can cut through steel plate will give you a nasty burn but no permanent damage. This is because of the amount of water in the human body.

Science Fiction? Well, fiction, yes...

Post 8



That is what I was thinking of! Thankyou!

Dean Caine makes notoriously awful films though. So bad, I can never remember the titles!

Science Fiction? Well, fiction, yes...

Post 9


Is it that important to people to be cool by saying something different..??

Science Fiction? Well, fiction, yes...

Post 10


Or should i say feel cool..??!

Science Fiction? Well, fiction, yes...

Post 11

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

Who the hell is dean caine and have I miss something?

Science Fiction? Well, fiction, yes...

Post 12


I'll make a prediction and say Terminator 3 will be complete tripe aslo..!

Science Fiction? Well, fiction, yes...

Post 13


New adventures of Lois and clarke (dean cane)

Science Fiction? Well, fiction, yes...

Post 14

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Oh dear. If you're reduced to picking on Star wars already, well, you're in trouble. It's not meant to be anything, other than fun...describing either Star Wars or The Empire Strikes Back in terms of anything other other than astonishingly successful examples of popular film making is simply carping for the sake of it.

Bad science fiction is V, 2010, Battlestar Ponderosa and anything else that has no wit to leaven the pomposity of it's ridiculous pretensions.

But really Star wars - I have to agree that this is the 'hate-the-popular-thing-to-look-cool' school of film criticism...

smiley - shark

Science Fiction? Well, fiction, yes...

Post 15

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

I think his name is actually spelt Dean Cain. As has been said, he played the title role in the New Adventures of Superman TV series (also known, I think, as the New Adventures of Lois and Clark) which also had a few scientific clangers but some good lines too. Subsequent to that, I haven't seen him in anything, perhaps because all his films flopped so badly they never made it across the Pond.
I would call Star Wars science fiction, but you can't assess it for scientific quality because, in that regard, it's much more like fantasy. It also has elements of almost every other film genre in existence, which is one of the things that makes it so good.

Science Fiction? Well, fiction, yes...

Post 16

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

can we have a definition of 'science fiction' ? i take it we're not just talking about the hardware kind. i would see science fiction as a genre is as much about future human experience as it is about future hardware technology.

Science Fiction? Well, fiction, yes...

Post 17

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

AI and Bicentennial Man are both potentially scientifically accurate. they also bite the big one, big time.

smiley - shark

Science Fiction? Well, fiction, yes...

Post 18


Well if the Dean 'Cain' can't be bothered to act, i can't be bothered to find the correct spelling to his name... smiley - laugh

Science Fiction? Well, fiction, yes...

Post 19

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

Like all genres, 'science fiction' is notoriously hard to define. I've tried on a couple of occasions, and only come out with something very verbose, with lots of 'ands' and 'ors', which still leaves out several pretty definitive examples. However, I can usually tell without any difficulty when a film or book is what I would call 'science fiction'.

Science Fiction? Well, fiction, yes...

Post 20


I think it would be better to think of a list of good sci-fi movies rather than bad.. There are alot less of them..

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