A Conversation for Ask h2g2
Abs and Acs
C Hawke Started conversation Oct 23, 1999
OK we are all familar with the standard e-mails abreviations and acroynms (Abs and Acs or A&A), but has H2G2 actually generated any new ones that just relate to our little (25K) comunity?
Abs and Acs
E'dalethni II Posted Oct 23, 1999
That's easy.
As far as any others are concerned, I don't know.
Many times people use A&A, as you call them, without even noticing, just like you did in your post.
Abs and Acs
C Hawke Posted Oct 24, 1999
Since original post I have found one on the H2G2 addicts service at http://www.h2g2.com/forumframe.cgi?forum=19618&thread=24996:
UPR - UnPublished Researcher.
We certainly are pushing out the bondaries.
Abs and Acs
Hoovooloo Posted Aug 16, 2019
Is there a better answer to this question, now that there's been twenty years to develop a vocabulary?
The obvious one that springs to mind is "hootoo".
I doubt anyone left here remembers the SBVM. Blaming 2legs seems to be a thing, and nighthoover was (is?) too.
Just curious...
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Abs and Acs
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