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astrological help needed

Post 1


is there anyone out there who can tell me anything about an astrological event on or around the 8th Nov 2003

astrological help needed

Post 2

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

From h2g2: A712595 Birth sign poll - Astro-logica - H2G2 Astrology Guild

They might be able to help
There is an astronamy group too "earthwatcher".

smiley - disco

astrological help needed

Post 3

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

have just done a quick transit chart for that day.

there is a grand cross which is 4 planets or points at 90 or 180 degrees to each other (in a chart it looks like a square). it looks like it is on a full moon.

the cross involves the sun, moon, uranus and the moon's nodes, so in a very general way it could be about karma, radical change and the relationship between emotion and intellect. (thats a *very* quick and off the top of my head response. also bear in mind that astrologers have many varied interpretations of the same chart)

square aspects (90 degrees) usually indicate challenge or things at odds with each other. they also have a lot of energy and present good opportunities for change.

there are quite a few other oppositions (180 degrees) as well.

if you give me a place on the planet plus a time i can do a more specific chart. also whether its a personal thing or a more bigger picture thing (though you don't have to give details)

i'm going to have an more indepth look at it as it has some significance for a natal chart i have been studying. let me know if you want more info.

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