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The meaning of "meaning"

Post 1

The Groob

What is the meaning of "meaning"? I've been asked this question by a friend and I'm stumped. I don't even know where to start. Can anyone offer an answer that's simple and understandable?

The meaning of "meaning"

Post 2


Do you mean (ha!) linguistically or philosophically?

The meaning of "meaning"

Post 3

The Groob

Well, tell me both. I can't get a handle on the problem.

The meaning of "meaning"

Post 4


From Etymonline:
O.E. mænan "to mean, tell, say, complain," from W.Gmc. *mainijanan, from PIE *meino- "opinion, intent," from base *men- "think."

So meaning is related to "mental". Did not know that.

Philosophically... Ha!
1) Meaning does not exist by itself.
2) Meaning is constructed by the people of a given culture at a given time.
3) The function of meaning is to attempt to order the perception of the world surrounding us.
4) Meaning is the basis for as well as the result of interpreting that world around us.
5) Meaning is subject to change.

How is that for a start?


The meaning of "meaning"

Post 5


Meaning: information content

How's that? smiley - biggrin

The meaning of "meaning"

Post 6

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

Significance to an individual or grouping on any tangible or intangible level... this could emotional or intellectual, traditional or doctrinal, cultral or disposable trashy and of the moment...

The meaning of "meaning"

Post 7

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

26199, I think it's the "interpretation" that is the meaning, not the information itself... smiley - erm

The meaning of "meaning"

Post 8

Noggin the Nog

You could start by reading "The Meaning of Meaning" by Ogden and Richards. It's a bit sketchy, but you can't tackle such a subject in detail in only 300 odd pages. smiley - smiley

For a start, logically you can only understand the question if you already know the answer. smiley - zen


The meaning of "meaning"

Post 9

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

Are there "Nogite" hords ala Thing?

The meaning of "meaning"

Post 10

Noggin the Nog

Only on Thursdays

smiley - offtopic


The meaning of "meaning"

Post 11

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

Does that mean there are only Thingite Noggites on Thing? smiley - huh

The meaning of "meaning"

Post 12

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Well I mean surely it is meaningful that no one has said anything mean, yet. Meaness would be meaningless here.

So I have no intention of being a meanie, but if you meant you want demeaning spelt out, I'd simply say that meaning means the mean essence of a thing. Not the average but the mean. Know waddi mean?

Now if that's too lean and mean, at least I meant well.

smiley - winkeye

The meaning of "meaning"

Post 13

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

Perhaps if hadn't of meandered so much...smiley - bigeyes

The meaning of "meaning"

Post 14


Well, there are multiple -- for want of a better word -- meanings. I think 'information content' captures the strictest one quite cleanly...

As in... what is the meaning of this sign; what information does it convey.

However the question 'what is the meaning of life'? Is getting into the more philosophical; perhaps more like 'what is the relevance of life?' or 'what is the purpose of life?'...

And of course 'what do you mean?' can mean 'what do you intend to mean?'... so in fact it's a recursively defined word smiley - tongueout

The meaning of "meaning"

Post 15


"the meaning of meaning" is often used as a description of the science of general semantics. (see http://www.xyroth-enterprises.co.uk/genseman.htm for a brief overvier and some helpfull links)

generally, it is connected with the interrelatedness and non-identity of things, and how even minor differences can significantly affect the long term consequences or understanding of even everyday things.

the general semantics sites linked from my page describe it better, especially the institute and the international society.

The meaning of "meaning"

Post 16


smiley - blush oops, that should have been "for a brief overview".

The meaning of "meaning"

Post 17

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Yes, but 'overvier' had so much more 'style' and 'cache' if not 'meaning'. smiley - laugh Had me fooled anyway, if that means anything.

smiley - biggrin

The meaning of "meaning"

Post 18

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

Oh it does.... don't ask what... but it does...

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