A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Budding Animator

Post 1


Can anyone recommend a cheap/free animation program similar to the Animation Shop package bundled with
Photo Shop?

Budding Animator

Post 2

E'dalethni II

I'm afraid any such thing in existence would be an oxymoron.

If it's like the expensive one you are looking for, there is a reason. It cost a lot to make.

If you want a cheap one, you will have to deal with something that fails to have many of the features you are looking for.

Budding Animator

Post 3


Could you recommend ANYTHING to me? I'm not looking to get into 3D animation (not just yet). I just want
to cut my teeth on stop motion animation. I'm looking for something I can import photograph/sketches etc. into.
These packages can't be too expensive, can they?! Also, how do they compare to Animation Shop?

Budding Animator

Post 4

The Groob

This is interesting. You know how we were talking about people who do a couple of posts and then leave? (The person in particular was the one who wanted ideas for a fancy dress party.)

This animation thread was started by someone who did the same thing. I went to his PS and he last posted in 1999. He left a name - Chris Arnold - and I googled "Chris Arnold animation" and came up with this site: Chris Arnold animation


I wonder if it's the same guy?

Budding Animator

Post 5


GIMP has an amimation component -- http://www.gimp.org/

.. called, 'GIMP-GAP'

I've never used it, but it's free, Open Source, cross-platform etc.

Let us know how you get on, please. smiley - smiley

Budding Animator

Post 6


I do not think it is the same guy. The website guy is in the USA. The hootoo guy was from Scotland.

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