A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Spirit art

Post 1

Insomniac Truth Seeker

Has anyone come across an abstract painting dated in the 1860s onwards with the name Georgiana Houghton on it or on the back of it?
It may be a meaningless daub of paint but I am seeking 119 of these paintings to fulfill a quest.
Look in attics and old suitcases.
The name may be Miss Houghton or'The Sacred Symbolist'.
There is nothing sinister or dangerous about these paintings and they may be valuable in terms of money!

Spirit art

Post 2

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

http://www.thei.aust.com/isite/igmcaspirit.html General info on--just for fun!

Spirit art

Post 3

Insomniac Truth Seeker

Hi Abbi!
That's great, thanks!
If you get the chance to read up about Georgiana she was a fascinating, birdlike little lady, guided by a team of 70 guardian archangels in everything she did. She wrote about spirit photography (you know - where the 'spirit' appears beside the person in the photogaph but no one saw it at the time) but gave the game away over one when she told how the woman in the white dress was lurking behind a curtain.
This project of mine is the BEST fun. Learning always is.
I want to learn how to put all those little icons in my scripts. They're just brilliant.
Do you have two dogs? Me too. Both as close to the fireplace as they can get. It's cold tonight.
Happy New Year!

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