Life as I know it

Left the pelican poem on here for a day or two for want of anything else.
All about the Insomniac Truth Seeker-
Insomniac because I usually find I'm tapping away at this keyboard at all the ungodly hours at the end of the day having checked the emails and replied to them. I also find this time is when I'm most creative and write a column for a local newspaper which gets done late at night.
The Truth is important but it can only be the Truth as I see it;
at my stage of middle-age this can be subject to the odd 'senior moment' but I try very hard to see things clearly whilst not taking myself seriously - ever.
Seeking the truth about many things. The meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything eluded me until Hitchhiker's Guide gave me the answer 42. Since then the subject has not troubled me.
Seeking the truth about a family heirloom may seem boring but it has become an obsession. I have a spirit painting which frightened the bejasus out of me for a while until I made the effort to find out what it was. It's turned into a mission, revealed all kinds of information about people from the second half of the 19thC but still I don't know - except for surmise - the connection with my family.
One day it will all be clear but not yet.
I work as a self-employed gardener; rather late in life I decided that this was the path for me and I do designing and planting plans too as well as general gardening which is a joy and labour of love.
Truth is Beauty and Beauty is Truth.
Seeking both.


Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
Non Sequiturs Feb 20, 2003 Oct 13, 2019
Miss Georgiana Houghton Feb 6, 2003 No Replies
Spirit art Jan 6, 2003 No Replies


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Insomniac Truth Seeker

Researcher U213714


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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