This is the Message Centre for Insomniac Truth Seeker

Hi Insomniac Truth Seeker...

Post 1

Captain Kebab

I'm Captain Kebab and I'm an ACE, or Assistant Community Editor, which means I've volunteered to help greet new researchers and try to make them feel at home here on h2g2. smiley - smiley

You may find somebody who knows something about the paintings you are interested by posting a question in <./>Askh2g2</.>. There's no guarantee of a *useful* response - but you'll almost certainly get a response! smiley - smiley

There's loads to do here, so I've put together a page with some h2g2 links that you might find useful - you can get there by clicking this link: A794991. If you'd like to know any more or just want to talk you can click on the 'reply' button you'll see at the bottom of the page and I'll get back to you, or click on my name at the top and you'll find yourself at my personal space. You can leave a message for me there by clicking on 'discuss this entry'.

I hope to see you around soon... smiley - ok

Hi Insomniac Truth Seeker...

Post 2

Insomniac Truth Seeker

Hi Captain Kebab!
Nice to hear from you.
Haven't got the hang of anything about h2g2 yet but game to give it a go.
It struck a note as being a good way to communicate with people who may be able to help with 'the quest' (aka 'the obsession') being populated by individuals who seem to be (reasonably) sane and educated!
The humour is so refreshing I've laughed a lot at various contributions but also spent hours just browsing (as all bovines do) and it all seems to move too fast for this old cow.
Will try your suggestions and let you know what happens.
Insomniac Truth Seeker (due for early night)

Hi Insomniac Truth Seeker...

Post 3

Captain Kebab

Oh, this is a good place for browsing - and it's probably good for insomniacs too - it's easy to pop in for 5 minutes to check your conversations and suddenly notice 2 hours have gone by - and you haven't checked them! smiley - biggrin

If you want any help finding your way around just drop me a line, but as you're already discovering the best way to find your way around this place is to jump in wtih both feet - or all four hooves if you prefer. smiley - winkeye

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