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any clusterheads around?

Post 1


As I am suffering from cluster-headaches and have just started to look around the net, I, as always, came to my first stop for quality information: h2g2

Now I am wondering if any other clusterheads are around here. Or am I as always the only one?

Anyways for the uninitiated:

Cluster-headaches only have the name in common with normal headaches. You can´t just take a couple of aspirins and get on with it. It is an excrutiating pain on one side on the head, with me it is locateg just behind my right eye. During attacks my right gets red and my right nostril is stuffed. Attacks normally seem to last for about an hour, but my last three were well beyond the 2 hour mark. When haing an attack the sufferer gets restless and can´t lie down. Even better so, because lying down makes it worse. Attacks tend to wake the sufferers in the earlsy morning hours from their sleep. There is no known cure or reason why anyone has clusters. The attacks usually come in bouts of a couple of weeks or months and then leave for some weeks, months, years.

SO anyone around here? I would just love to work together and get an article done, to get a few more people to know our condition...


any clusterheads around?

Post 2

Captain_SpankMunki [Keeper & Former ACE] Thanking <Diety of choice> for the joy of Goo.

Not personally but Mrs SM gets cluster headaches behind her left eye. I usually retire to a safe, read distant, place.


any clusterheads around?

Post 3


best thing you could do anyway.... I got a video-tape of me having an attack...

Boy, I wouldn´t want to be around that rampaging monster....


any clusterheads around?

Post 4


I have had cluster headaches as an allergic reaction to certain foods. Actually, it was a particular artificial sweetener someone thought would be healthier than sugar(and didn't even ask me if I wanted to try it).

Symptoms: Severe, sudden incapacitating pain on the left side(behind my eye). No pain reliever would touch it. Couldn't concentrate on anything. My left eye would look puffy and greyish, sort of bloodshot too. An ice pack helped a little.

After almost a week of these really bad headaches that left me drained and ill for the rest of the day my brother began questioning everyone in the house about who cooked and what was in everything. Turned out the tea, coffee and desserts were the reason I would get ill about an hour after dinner and not earlier in the day.

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