A Conversation for Ask h2g2
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Anonymouse Posted Oct 24, 1999
It wasn't BC that blew mine up. I never watch it. I saw it a few times when it first came on, but I'm far to much a fan of Bill's old stand-up routines to have any interest.
"God : I'm gonna make it rain 40 days and 40 nights!"
Noah: Uhm.. Okay, but why not just let it rain 3 days and 3 nights and wait for the sewers to back up?"
I still have my mother's vinyl disc (called album ) of "Why is There Air" ... Some day I'll find another turntable to play it on.
The Duke of Dunstable Posted Oct 27, 1999
But your TV-set actually blew up, then? Coo. Fancy that. Still, I'm glad mine hasn't, cuz I need to watch that Friends.show. It's addictive, it's pathetic.
wingpig Posted Oct 27, 1999
Forget that and concentrate on 'Spaced' directly after it. Not only is it nice and funny but it has great direction, cunning editing and featured Peter Serafinowicz in a cameo in the first episode. The slightly blurred feel to it gets on my tits sometimes, though.
Anonymouse Posted Oct 27, 1999
I had never watched friends until it went to reruns and they stuck it in a timeslot right between two other shows I happened to watch when I was bored.
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