A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Fort Boyard

Post 1

Titania (gone for lunch)

I'm thinking of writing an entry on this, and I was wondering how many recognize this name?

I know that French and Swedish television have filmed there (cells, dungeons, missions) but I think other countries have been there too...

Does the name ring a bell? If it does, please post a reply stating the title of the TV show and the country it was broadcasted in

Thanks!smiley - smiley

Fort Boyard

Post 2

Witty Ditty


CP referenced it in her Crystal Maze entry here: A618932 - there's a small bit in the 'History' section, and a bit in the 'Trivia' section on the British remake (which ironically, many critics thought was a rip off on the aforementioned Crystal Maze, when in fact, it was the other way round... whoever said journalists don't do research smiley - winkeye)

For the British remake, the Channel 5 (soon to be rebranded as just '5') website should be the first port of call:


...but it seems that Fort Boyard is nowhere to be seen... Anyway, I think it was presented by the pneumatic Melinda Messenger, with Leslie Grantham - better known as 'Dirty Den out of Eastenders', and had a lot of very short people too.

smiley - sorry if I sound less than bubbly - someone is playing very loud music just across the lawn.

Stay smiley - cool,

Fort Boyard

Post 3

Witty Ditty

smiley - doh


...for more info on the UK version smiley - doh

Fort Boyard

Post 4

Titania (gone for lunch)

Thanks, Witty!smiley - cheers

Fort Boyard

Post 5

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

I has been on Dutch television some years ago under that name, but I was not very interested in it, so I cannot give you more info.

Fort Boyard

Post 6

Titania (gone for lunch)

OK, so we have a French, Swedish, British and Dutch version so far - any more?

I was quite surprised seeing the difference between the Swedish and the French version...

...the Swedish teams were usually Swedish celebrities (a pretty mix of artists, authors, game show hosts, actors...)

...but I think the French teams would have required some kind of tests before you were allowed to join a team - the cells and the tasks were so much tougher!smiley - doh

Fort Boyard

Post 7


... hello
.... pleased to meet you
.... smiley - rose Marion

Fort Boyard

Post 8


It's been on Russian TV. Not for a while, though. Mostly they showed the french teams, with the occassional chance to laugh at ther Brits faikling miserably at it. But there was at least one team of Russians - I think they were reporters. But I seeem to recall seeing an ad for an all Russian series, so...

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